I’ll post my stats for schools that I’m thinking of applying to. Please chance me! Thanks!
2220 SAT
33 ACT
unweighted 3.7
Not going to list all the classes I took.
Varsity Lacrosse Captain
Varsity Swim team
Varsity Cross Country
Founded a camp for underprivileged girls
School Ambassador
Yearbook Editor
Spirit Rep for my class
Worked at a retirement home
Campus Ministry
Helped organize a retreat for 7th graders
Schools that I’ll probably apply to
Notre Dame (double legacy)
Boston College
UNC Chapel Hill
Mizzou (instate safety)
Any other schools that you would recommend for me?
I can chance you for Tufts, Georgetown, and Boston College. SAT score is good (same as mine
) for all of these schools. I hope that you just want to be private about your classes that you took because you are shy or something, because if you are not then are you suggesting that they are not rigorous? If not, then you have a problem. If yes, then that is okay. Your GPA sounds okay, but then again I don’t know the difficulty of your school so it’s a bit hard to tell. Your EC’s sound decent enough (maybe or maybe not depending on your intended major), and your volunteering is mehh (typical bland not unique aka not really gonna help). You didn’t give enough info for me to give you a better analysis but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that all other aspects that aren’t listed will be okay. Tufts - Low Reach, Georgetown - Reach, Boston College - High Match/Low Reach. Good luck!