Chances please?

<p>To all UC’s please <3</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0-4.2 (ish)</p>

<p>SAT: 1810; CR 620, M 540, W 650</p>

<p>Sat II: Around the 600’s projected.
I bombed the first time I took due to lack of sleep. </p>


<li>Animal Shelter</li>
<li>Fashion Club</li>
<li>Principal’s Round Table [Junior Class rep.]</li>
<li>AP Scholars Club [Eng. Lang. rep.]</li>
<li>Art Club</li>
<li>Chinese Club [President 1 yr]</li>
<li>Japanese Club [President 2 yr]</li>


<li>Governator’s Medallion of Art; Less than 500 get it a year-
this was for acceptance into CSSSA at CalArts.</li>
<li>NJHS and NHS </li>

<p>CC classes passed:</p>

<p>+Psychology 101
+Art History 104</p>

<p>AP: </p>

<p>Taken & passed: Art (drawing), World History
Taken this year: Art (3D), Eng Lang, USH
Will take: Art (2D), Eng Lit, Gov</p>

<p>4.0-4.2 UCGPA or fully weighted?
thats a pretty big range.
If it's your UC GPA I think you'll get into UCR, UCSB, UCSC, UCI, UCM, and UCD</p>


<p>How do you calculate UCGPA? That up there is my gpa counting AP a's as 5, b's as 4, etc. The rest are the same scale.</p>

<p>Can you help me, it's:</p>


<p>Chinese: A+
AP Art: A
Honors Bio: A
English Acc: B
AP World His: A
Honors Alg 2: B
P.E: A</p>

<p>Chinese: A+
AP Art: A
Honors Bio: A
English Acc: A
AP World His: A
Honors Alg 2: B
P.E: A</p>


<p>Ap Art: A
AP Eng: A
Ap Ush: B
Honors Pre-Cal: B
Chinese: A
Com. College Psych 101: A (doesn't add into gpa on transcript, but i took)</p>

<p>Ap Art: A
AP Eng: A
Ap Ush: B
Honors Pre-Cal: C
Chinese: A
Com. College Art His 104: A (doesn't add into gpa on transcript, but i took)</p>

<p>AP score do not matter to the University of California system, as far as I remember.</p>

<p>Well, they do matter. They can't hurt you, but they can help you.</p>

<p>UCGPA-This GPA includes an extra grade point for a max of 8 semesters of UC-approved honors courses (which include AP, IB, school-based honors, and transferable college courses) in which a grade of C or higher is earned.</p>

<p>Even if your CC classes aren't on your transcript, if they are uc-transferable, they will count. P.E. doesn't count. That said, your UC GPA is exactly 4.0.</p>

<p>Berkeley/UCLA: Reach
UCSD: Slight Reach
UCI/UCSB/UCD: Match/Safe Match
UCSC/UCR/UCM: Safety</p>

<p>Your SATs are below average for UCSD (avg around 1940), and UCLA/Berkeley (low 2000s).</p>

<p>Awesome. Yeah, my CC classes will get sent to the college, however they don't show on my transcript. (: Thanks so much you guys! <3</p>

<p>Your current state is probably just as they said, but your SAT is totally fix-able. Study up, take a class (that's what I did), and keep taking practice tests from the big blue book throughout summer and, if you can pull your SAT to a 2100+, you're in good shape for the top tier schools. SAT IIs are basically taking tests over and over from the Sparknotes/Barron's books until the concepts are drilled into you. If you're aiming for UCSD/LA/Berkeley, you definitely still have a chance at it.</p>

<p>Let me put it this way, I had a 3.26, 2090 SAT, 700+ on all SAT 2s and very impressive extra-curriculars and an excellent essay, and I got into Davis. Shows that certain factors can be compensated for. =)</p>


<p>See, i think admissions is odd, because a friend of mine had 4.0 and SAT of 1750 or so and got into UCSD, and Berkeley.</p>

<p>kaii, could it be due to the amazing essays your friend wrote?</p>