<p>:) thankyou for replying </p>
<p>ASian, Female, CA resident
UW 3.9
WEIGHTED 4.5</p>
2060 (planning to take it again this fall)</p>
<p>Critical Reading 650<br>
Math 710<br>
Writing 700 </p>
<p>ACT 31</p>
<p>Reading 31
Writing 31
Science 32
Math 32</p>
BIology 780
Spanish 720</p>
4 Years School orchestra (leadership roles 2 years)
4 Years Spanish Club (leadershiproles 3 years; senioryear=president)
3 years Aftershock aka Christian club (leadership roles 3 years)
4 years committed leadership at church
2 summers volunteer work at Hospital
1 summer work experience as teachers aide</p>
<p>AP scores
5 CALC AB & BC; Biology
4 spanish; european history</p>
<p>Senior Work Load
AP chemistry
AP English language
AP Stats
AP pyschology.
<p>alumni affiliation? not really.. my sister goes to the medical school KECK @ USC
i dont know if that really matters when i apply.?</p>
<p>Very good shot. The average GPA of accepted freshmen is 3.8 unweighted. Besides having very good EC's I think Adcoms will appreciate that you've kept them up for years.</p>
<p>Your stats and ECs look very good. The SAT is slightly lower than the average accepted this year (2108) but your ACT is right and you're retaking SAT which may even go up. GPA is excellent and ECs look good too. Try to write about something in your essay that makes you stand out from the crowd--and conveys your passion (in other words, something that shows what sort of individual you are and what you do for the love of it).</p>
<p>Best of luck.</p>
<p>thanks :)
maybe cuhs im totally new to this whole cc forum, i was strangely really excited to get replies. lol</p>
<p>Sounds excellent! What do you want to study?</p>
<p>Right now, I have absolutely no idea what i want to study...
It's frustrating but im hoping that I'll know soon?</p>
<p>Do you want to minor in music and/or be part of the USC orchestra? Might be worth looking into and mentioning on your application if this is a real interest.</p>
<p>ohh i might but im not sure yet</p>