chances please.


<p>Rank:1 out of 385</p>

<p>SAT (took it twice) (below are highest scores).
WR:690 (64MC and 12 ESSAY)
highest in one sitting is 2050</p>

Spanish Club(1yr)
Honor Society (2 years) President
JV Tennis (3 Years) MVP and Most Inspirational
Volleyball (1 yr) Captain and MVP
Sports Medicine (2nd year trainer) 400+ Hours (600+ by end of the year)
Community Service 100+ Hours (teaching CPR, Cultural society volunteer, Camp volunteer)
ASB (Senior Class Senator)
Job Shadowing (10 hours over the summer) (was the max offered by hospital)
Newspaper Intern (1 yr)</p>

AP Scholar
American University of Women Recognition of Excellence in Mathematics</p>

<p>AP Classes:
Taken= Lang & Comp (4) US History (4) Euro History (3)
Taking= Gov & Politics, Calculus, Spanish, Lit & Comp</p>

<p>i dont know, youll have to see. this isnt a forum for us to blow smoke up your ass. just concentrate on school work, extracurriculars, and volunteering and then everything will fall into place.</p>

<p>^ Idk why, but that first line seriously just made me lol. I do agree though. I don’t have enough info to chance, but just keep doing what you’re passionate about and focus on your schoolwork and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>ull get in…ttly…no doubt in my mind…lol good job</p>

<p>I have to admit, being on CC has me jaded. I see first in class of 385, and while it’s a 4.0 GPA, I still don’t see how those scores, while good, typically line up with first in the class.</p>

<p>Certainly these are still very competitive for JHU, but am just pointing out how convoluted this place can get.</p>