CHANCES!!! (please)

<p>South Asian Female, Junior, US Citizen, from Texas
Economic Status: family income currently ~$40,000ish, one parent unemployed</p>

<p>Class Rank: 5/~600ish
Current GPA: around 4.2-4.3 w, 4.0 uw (yeah, it's on the low end of HYP students...)
SAT: latest is 730M/720W/680CR without much studying (yeah, I know, need to study more)
PSAT: 215(soph), 211(jr) - low (i was sick) but rumor that students in my state (TX) were so bad this year that ~210 will be the NMSF cutoff this year... hoping for the best! but will probably get Commended <em>sigh</em>
ACT: not yet taken, but saw the official prep book and it looks easier than the SAT!</p>

<p>Soph APs:
* AP Computer Science A (5)
all other core classes were honors/pre-ap</p>

<p>Jr APs:
* AP Computer Science AB
* AP Chemistry
* AP US History
* AP Calculus AB [not BC due to schedule conflict, may take BC exam]
* AP English Lang
* AP Spanish Lang [may not take exam, will probably fail since not a native speaker]
currently taking pre-ap physics, a requirement for ap physics at my school</p>

<p>Sr APs:
* AP Biology
* AP Physics
* AP Government
* AP [Macro?]Economics
* AP Statistics
* AP English Lit
- considering AP Psych and/or AP Music Theory if either is offered by school
- may self-study for AP Human Geo to get AP International Diploma; would qualify for foreign-language requirement even without AP Spanish because I speak another language</p>

<p>Extra-Curriculars: [will include senior year]
* Girl Scouts: 4 years [Patrol Leader, may do BGFG Advisory Committee next year]
* Student Council: 4 years
* Key Club: 4 years [newspaper committee, currently running for officer for next year]
* Spanish Club: 3 years [unsuccessful run for officer position, will try again next year]
* Science Club: 2 years [founding member, secretary, lettering supervisor]
* Youth Group: 2 years [secretary]
* Tennis: 2 years [freshman, JV2 teams - did for PE credit, quit after soph year]
* Computer Science Competition Team: 3 years
* Science/Math Competition Teams: 2 years? [this is the first year, no competitions yet!]
* piano player since 3rd grade, self-taught since 4th grade </p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
* 3 years with Cook Children's Medical Center (1.5 as Junior Volunteer, 1.5 as Child Life)
* Tutoring school children of various ages both outside of school and as part of Key Club, Spanish Club, Science Club
* various volunteer work with Key Club including work at the Food Bank, tutoring, HI-KIDS (programs and fun events for low-income minority kids), storytelling at a book store, fundraising
* Serving food with my place of worship for 4+ years
* various volunteer work with my Youth Group including various food and supplies drives and fundraising, visits to hospitals and nursing homes, worship service</p>

<p>Summer Programs:
* Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program (TexPREP): 3 years
* Cook Children's Medical Center Junior Volunteer Summer Program: 2 years
- will do some summer program this year - have applied to RSI and others, will do U Texas First Bytes if I don't get into others since I have been told I am pretty much guaranteed admission there
- plan to do some research this summer, whether associated with a summer program like RSI or something I do on my own (have arranged to work with a professor if I don't get in)</p>

* Girl Scout Bronze and Silver Awards, working on Gold Award; Bronze, Silver, Gold Leadership Awards; Cadette and Senior Challenge Awards; various other Girl Scout awards in math/science, health, safety, language, and sports; trained Program Aide
* TexPREP awards: Outstanding in Logic, Computer Science, Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Writing; Most Improved in Writing and Computer Science [previous year], Biology
* Graphics 2008 (Computer Science competition) - 3rd place team
- currently 3rd place individual in Best of Texas: Computer Science Div. 5A, hope it lasts :D
- will compete in various math/science competitions like UIL, hope for the best!
- unfortunately school doesn't offer olympiads because doesn't have the $$ to do so</p>

<p>sooooo... do i have a chance? i really hope so, but i'm afraid of the rejection letter.
also applying to other Ivyies, Duke and similar schools, U Cal Berkeley, UCLA, Rice, Stanford
my safeties include U Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Baylor, TCU (already got a full ride!)</p>


you betcha</p>

<p>thanks! i really hope so. it’s probably a bit late, but anything i can do to improve my app for next year?</p>

<p>Make sure your essays are good and keep getting good grades.</p>

<p>I’d say you have an above average chance (so about 10-15%) considering your low-income status, and multiple awards (which look pretty legit to me)</p>

<p>thank you so much for the advice and replies!</p>