<p>I was wondering if anyone would be willing to tell me if I have a chance at getting into the University of Texas, Austin...</p>
<p>I am a rising senior planning to apply as an out-of-state student...I am from Potomac, Maryland (right outside of DC). I attend a highly ranked public school which I have been told can be a plus, not so sure though. These are my stats....</p>
WGPA: 4.14
ACT: 24(with no essay)
SAT: 1630 (retaking)</p>
<p>197 community service hours
Rowing Club: 9,10,11 (in-charge of recruitment)
Class Planning: 9,10,11 (an officer of the executive board)
National Honor Society: 11 (junior officer)
Red Cross Club: 9,10,11
Community Serice Club: 9,10,11
Total of 6 AP classes: Psychology, Human Geography, Enviormental Science, Literature, Language, Photography</p>
<p>Summer '09---I am leaving in a week to build houses in New Orleans, LA. I also work at a local ice cream shop.</p>
<p>Summer '08---I participated in a 3 week volunteer program in Olympic National Park where I worked on trail restoration and development.</p>
<p>I had a graduating class size of 1361 and we are one of the most competitive (public) schools in Texas. They still ranked us. Can you guess at your rank? Like, are you in the top 15%, 10%, 5%, 1%, etc.</p>
<p>UT will estimate a rank for you based on the info your school provided. It does, however, put a significant delay on your application and if there is any way to get your school to include your rank it would be very helpful.</p>
<p>ECs are good but not outstanding. 10%-15% for OOS is ok but it’s going to be hard to get in there–OOS valedictorians get rejected all the time. Test scores are really low for OOS. OOS average is 1300/1600–so around a 1950.</p>
<p>Your writing skills are a huge part of the criteria (3/7 of the Personal Achievement section). What was your SAT essay score? That will make it easy for us to guess where that will fall.</p>
<p>Unless you get more leadership, higher SAT scores, and write good essays, I’d say no.</p>
<p>Your GPA is pretty solid, and the EC’s are decent as well. If you can write a solid essay and get good recs I’d say it helps the pretty low test scores. Assuming you can get the great essay/recs I’d say its a mid reach</p>
<p>But honestly its a complete toss up OOS, my friend who is one year older than me (I am an incoming senior) just got in to UT OOS. She had like a 3.5 unweighted and barely took any Honors/AP maybe 3 total. She got a 1710 on the SAT and was accepted. On the flip side my friend who was just rejected by UT and is going to U of A had a 1840 SAT, and around a 3.5 in maybe 5 total Honors/AP so who knows lol.</p>
<p>The school you apply to matters. Business and engineering are very difficult. Liberal arts, communication, and education are easier. That could be the difference in the two students.</p>