Chances? please...

<p>aim for Mccombs, if you dont get in i would go to another good B school on the same level. If you really want to go to UT and dont get in Mccombs, do the econ thing. </p>

<p>Apply to some good B schools all around.</p>

<p>You can actually backdoor your way into McCombs with an Econ major. Go to the Econ website and you will see that there are a couple of different special programs. One I think is Business Econ (you actually take classes in the business school, not foundations courses). The other is getting your MPA at McCombs without having to apply through the traditional route (no GMAT/GRE) and not have to pay grad school tuition (similar to PPA but you major in Econ instead). You just have to take a certain set of courses and have a minimum GPA. You also have to write some essays as well. </p>

<p>Don’t minor in French unless you really have a reason to do so. You do have to have two years of foreign language credit to graduate with a degree from COLA though, so take French if you think you’ll get A’s in it.</p>

<p>WOW, now thats a nice program… This gives me another reason to try an get to austin next year. Thanks for pointing that out BK. lol the only problem is im not much of an economics guy, but this is still a good program.</p>

<p>heres a link to what BKs talking about</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Ok the Business Economics option seems like a great way to get a Business Administration minor! And it seems to be a simple pre-requisite completion application process… Do you know if ECO 420K is a tedious course? It asks for a 70 or better…</p>

<p>The Eco-MPA path also sounds great, however, I am assuming it is extremely competitive and requires a lot of work to be accepted… Does anybody have experience with this?</p>

<p>As for the minor in French, I was thinking it might make me more recruitable and/or open up opportunities in my future. I am taking AP French next year, and so far I have learned it with relative ease… Any suggestions on that?..</p>

<p>If you want to do an econ major and can get French out of the way before school starts, you will be ahead of the ball game. The 2 year foreign language requirement in COLA was a pain in the butt for me. I did Arabic. I found that it was taking up more of my time than I really bargained for, and for the second year credit I did a summer abroad so I could focus on my major. On the other hand, if you want to take French and get easy A’s to support your UT GPA, then its not a bad way of doing it. My first year Arabic courses were worth 5 hours per semester. Getting an A in a 5 hour class is almost like getting 2 A’s. </p>

<p>There is nothing stopping you from doing both the Business Econ and ECO-MPA. You have to have above a 3.5 GPA, so if you can maintain a high GPA, its worth a shot at applying. Further, you will have satisfied some of the requirements for the MPA program by actually completing the Business Econ program since its mandatory to take the lower level accounting classes before getting into the MPA program. By completing the MPA, your chances of landing an I-Banking job increase exponentially (if you want to take the first step to making your move into VC). </p>

<p>Economics 420K is painful. All I can say is study hard and do well in your intro to micro, and you will likely do ok in it. And make sure to do them close to each other so your mind is fresh. I personally HATED microeconomics and treated these courses like a necessary evil. Once all of that was cleared up, I really enjoyed my economics major. There are many social implications that can be explained via economics which I found intriguing. I also liked to learn how the overall macro economy functions in terms of the different international banking systems as well as the study of regional and emerging economies.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help…</p>

<p>Social Sciences have always been my favorite and strongest subject, yet until now I didn’t know how to incorporate business (desired career path). Those programs are perfect, and given the fact that direct entry into McCombs will be tough for me, they’re ideal for my situation. The correlation between economics and accounting will make for an interesting study plan. Hopefully it will set me up for future endeavors…</p>

<p>If I may ask BK696969, what has been the outcome of your economics major?</p>

<p>Policy debate ftw!!!</p>

<p>Ok I have an update to my original post:
With those stats and my new SAT scores… (1st 1890, 2nd 2000)</p>

<p>640 Reading (-10 from 1st SAT)
610 Math (+20)
750 Writing (12 essay) (+100)</p>

<p>What do yall think my chances to UT and/or McCombs are?..</p>