Chances RD

<p>Yo Thought I'd throw my stats out there for Judgement</p>

<p>Age 17
Ethnicity: Whitey
State: Alabama
School: Really famous New England Boarding school. We sent 17 people to Harvard LAST YEAR, 84 in the past 4 and the top third of the class goes to the Ivy League every year</p>

<p>SAT: 2370
Math 800
Lit 790
Grammar 770
SAT II: Bio 800
US History 770
Lit: 700
Chinese 720
GPA 5.0/6.0 I know it doesn't sound good but this puts me in the top 5-10% only 2-3 persons per year even approach a 6
Ranking top 5-10%/approx 350 people
Bio 5
Physics 5
Euro 5
US History 5
English lit 4
Geo 5
Calculus BC 5</p>

<p>Our courseload is hard to describe. My school offers every single AP but also even more advanced courses. In most subject areas AP are a midlevel course. There is no set "hardest course load" its really just about finding your interests and going as indepth as you want into them</p>

<p>Right know I'm doing Linear Algebra and Advanced Calc. A biology lab project, some Philosophy classes, Chinese, etc.</p>

4 years MAD awesome
Speech and Debate
4 First place trophies for Congress, a few recognitions and the like, hoping to well this year.
Model UN
Honorary Mention at PAMUN and at Georgetown (big international deal over 3000 students attend from accross the world)
4 years
We are alright, won a few races but not an atheltic recruit. Coach said I could apply anyway though
Economics Society- The Prez
Southern Club- Treasuror
Associate Editor of school newspaper (oldest HS paper in country)
I've had an letter printed in TIME and one in the New York Times just letters, but worth mentioning
Community Service
About 4 hours a week everyweek for the last 3 years with ARC helping mentally disabled kids learn to read. Got into in because of my nephew suffered from "water on the brain."
Oxfam group has raised seceral thousand dollars for AIDS, famine</p>

Freashmen 6 week trip to China doing community service, traveling country, learning the language
Crew Program
Debate camp at Rice</p>

<p>And finally, my hook, not just one but BOTH of my parents attended Harvard. As far as I know, I'm the only Harvard double legacy except for my younger sister. I actually owe Harvard for my existence, my parents meet through the Harvard club.</p>

<p>Any thoughts would be nice</p>


<p>The double legacy will definitely give you a leg up.
If I were you I'd write my essay on the bagpipes... could that would kick ass.</p>

<p>I hate you guys for being so smart. Yeah, you'll pretty much get in.</p>

<p>Wow yeah your stats are good. What school? Exeter? Andover?</p>

<p>You have better chances than a rickoid.</p>

<p>damn thats insane. double legacy.</p>

<p>lol you're in for sure. there arn't many people who are set like you. its nice to see that you actually do have the grades to deserve entry and arn't just getting in because of your legacy status. you are pretty much set. stereotypical legacys tend to have terrible grades etc. good luck at harvard</p>

<p>btw: even though we all think your getting in, still try hard etc. dont slack off and think that your getting in just cause of legacy status. you dont seem to be one to do that though.</p>

<p>oh and another thing, you would have had a great shot even without legacy, but with it your in for sure.</p>

<p>Sounds like Andover. Is that right?</p>

<p>Why do you even feel it necessary to ask? What else could you feasibly do?</p>

<p>I would say you have 50-70% without legacy, 100% with.</p>

<p>words are inadequate.... good job lilaoshi =)</p>

<p>no chance in hell</p>

<p>Wow, I'm sure you will continue your family's upper-class tradition well, but was there ever any doubt since birth?</p>

<p>for real, why are you even posting?...unless you're not as intelligent as your should be aware how ridiculous it is for someone with a double legacy to endure anxiety over your admission....quit wasting our time by seeking an ego boost - in any case, have a great time at harvard next year</p>

<p>ur a whitey and u managed to get a 720 chinese?? how did u pull that off? great job!</p>

<p>Yeah, the only complaint I would have about your stats is the SAT IIs, but the 720 Chinese looks really good from a Whitey.</p>

<p>Yea. I'm at Andover. Been here for the last three years. As for Exeter, we just whipped their butts today at the annual Andover/Exeter games (Go Big Blue!!!!!!!)</p>

<p>I attribute my Chinese SAT to four things. Mostly the fourth:
1.) I lived in China for about two years while my dad was a visiting professor in Kunming aka "The Smelliest Place on Earth."
2.) I've been taking Chinese ever since I left China
3.) My roomate the last two years was Chinese, great for practice
4.) Combination of magic, a miracle, and dumbluck</p>

<p>As for why I'm posting, try living with two Harvard grads and not feel rather inadequate. They know everything and then some. Then come here were there are FRESHMEN taking AP Calc BC. There are crazy people like that here everywhere. Its very disconcerting and the college admissions office just tells everyone to apply to HYPS regardless. I wanted to find an (relatively) unbiased opinion.</p>

<p>considering the majority of us on this board dont even understand what it's like to come from a prep school like that, it's incredibly ridiculous to expect a helpful comment from us...</p>

<p>"School: Really famous New England Boarding school. We sent 17 people to Harvard LAST YEAR, 84 in the past 4 and the top third of the class goes to the Ivy League every year"</p>

<p>just from this comment and the way you presented your hook and your ec's, it's obvious you're fishing for all of us here to remind you of your excellent chances...</p>

<p>btw (freshmen taking calc bc is not unheard of, not even in rural missouri where we have THREE in my hs taking it)</p>

<p>Unlike what I'm sure you think, it isn't the old days anymore. It used to be what we call the third, third, third rule. 1/3 of the class went Harvad, 1/3 to Yale, and 1/3 to Princeton. Those days ended 50 years ago. Now a student here has just as good a chance as anyone else. Its what you do, not the school your from.
While it is still certainly disproportionate for any school, the reason we send so many students now is because those people are just that insane, the only difference here is that they're closely grouped together.</p>

<p>That being said, people here seem to have a side job with chances threads. And is a third opinion really that bad?
I just included this fact about my school because its something that people often list and its the truth. </p>

<p>Besides if I really did need an ego boast, what are moms for?</p>