Chances- should I even bother?

<p>I was considering applying but now I look at all these stats and wonder.
Would someone rate my chances? </p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Test<br>
Critical Reading 620<br>
Math 660<br>
Writing 610
SAT Subject Test<br>
Literature 650<br>
Mathematics Level 2 620<br>
U.S. History 640</p>

<p>AP Calculus AB- 4 on the exam.
A research paper on euler's number.
3.93 weighted GPA
Good Common APP essay.
Good Extracurricular activities- basketball, video committee, yearbook, after school help,
National Merit Commended Student
A service related school award.
500+ hours of service
Valedictorian of a small class</p>


<p>With those SAT scores you would find it very, very difficult to get accepted into Caltech. Almost all admitted students have Math I and II scores above 700.</p>

<p>Why do you want to go to CalTech? Read some of the other posts here - you’ll understand that they are very hardcore when it comes to math, and if you ever get accepted with those SAT math scores - will you be able to perform?</p>

<p>I asked myself that question, and decided not to apply (even though I had excellent grades from more advanced math courses). I had a 680M, 680L2.</p>

<p>But if you really want it bad enough - try it.</p>

<p>hm… IM SORRY to say this… but I would not apply :(… if you really want to, though, better write some KILLER essays :)</p>

<p>Bremsespor is right. Unless you were really, really lazy in math class throughout your education, getting those kinds of scores is not a sign that you’ll do well at caltech or like being there. this is a place were you eat math problems or math related things every single day.</p>

<p>But I could be wrong. Maybe you had a bad day or something. lol.
care to explain in your defense?</p>

<p>and I also want to mention that all of us are just trying to see if you’d enjoy being at caltech and get the most out of it. we’re not trying to discourage you from pursuing your dreams. don’t ever give up your dreams (unless its like curing cancer before graduating college or something like that). so heck, if you do love math and think you can improve in college, by all means apply and tell caltech that.</p>

<p>good luck!!</p>

<p>What’s your research paper on Euler’s #? Those are some pretty low scores you have but if the research paper really shows aptitude and passion, I think you could still be admitted. This paper has to be pretty amazing though.</p>

<p>Are you an especially bad test taker? A 4 on AB Calculus means you perform poorly on MC and free-response questions. Most of your grades at Caltech will be based on tests, but the tests are nothing like tests from high school.</p>

<p>For the longest time I thought SAT math was the same as the math in my textbooks.
Then when I took the SAT and got a low score…
I got a shock.<br>
As for the SAT II, the help books stunk. I knew virtually everything in the Barron’s helpbook and SparksNotes online. It helped very little. The Barron’s book stressed logarithms and probability- but NOT ONE logarithm appeared. I also think my too fast Advanced Math course in the summer hurt me. </p>

<p>As for AP Calculus, that was biggest accomplishment. I had taken an Advanced Math course in the summer so I could take Calculus before my senor year. </p>

<p>As for the tests, AP Calculus prepared me. I understand what tests will be like: applications and nuances of every last part of the chapter imaginable. </p>

<p>Thanks for the advice on bolstering the essays, which I think are good, and making a good research paper! I’m going to make a new thread about the research paper.</p>

<p>truthbetold: webhappy was not complimenting you on your AP score.</p>

<p>I wouldnt apply to Caltech the middle 50% of math SATI scores is 780-800… so basically, you need an 800 on every single Math SAT test to be considered competitive… your scores could get you into good schools as you are well aware but just not Caltech… come on, Caltech is Caltech… you could be sitting in class at Caltech looking at future noble prize winners</p>