chances (someone plz help)

<p>3.4 unweighted
3.71 weighted
SAT 1: 2180
US History: 680 Math level 2: 790</p>

<p>I have taken 3 AP's already and an Honors: US History, Statistics, Psychology, H-pre-calc
I got a 5 and two 4's
next year I am taking AP Calc BC and Finite/Discrete Math (its a college class weighted but no AP test)</p>

<p>I want to major in computer science</p>

<p>my ec's are: violin for 6 years
FYS (fremont youth symphony): 3 years
Indian classical music: 13 years
Speech/Debate: varsity policy 3 years
track/field: 3 years
Kaiser Volunteering: 3 years
tutoring 6th graders: 1 year</p>

<p>I have 250+ hours</p>

<p>the schools i want to attend are:
Carnegie Mellon
Case Western Reserve
UC Davis
UC San Diego
UC Irvine
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign</p>

<p>please let me know how much of a chance i have at each of these schools
any feedback will be appreciated
if u chance me i will definitely try to chance u as well :)</p>

<p>I think CMU may be a reach but the other schools are matches (and possibly even safeties). Your SATs and ECs are pretty good but you GPA is a bit low. But, I think you definitely still have a chance at CMU if you can get your GPA up first semester.</p>

<p>thank you so much…u give me hope :))</p>

<p>anyone else?? :)</p>

<p>It looks pretty good. Your GPA is a little bit on the low side, and you might wanna take another SAT II in maybe a science subject. Good ec’s and pretty good AP’s. I’d say you’re match, if not safety, with most of the schools on your list. CMU might be a tiny reach.</p>

<p>are there any other schools u recommend i apply to?</p>