Chances: Study Abroad v. Doing Research

<p>I'm currently in a dilemma as to which is better on an application. Over the summer of 2012, I will most likely be able to either study abroad (NSLI-Y: Home</a> Page) or conduct research at a lab through a competitive program (UPitt/CMU related). However, I can't do both because the times overlap a great amount. Thus, I'm asking you guys for help. I love both activities, but with regards to my time investment, I need to know which one would benefit me more if I put it on college applications because I'm currently a Junior. </p>

<p>Some stuff about me:
Schools I'm looking at: UPitt, CMU, UCB, Yale, MIT (on a whim, not 100% gung-ho to getting in...I really just want to know if I can), and Brown to major in something biology related so the activity should boost up my app.
Academics: I've only had 1 B up until now from my freshman year 1st semester honors English class so far, and I've always been taking the most rigorous schedules possible at my school. Since this is not a full blown chance thread, I'll save you guys from details.
ECs: Youth Symphony (3rd year), school orchestra (since 6th grade), JV and Varsity Rifle (JV 9-10, V 11 on), science club in which individuals compete in science fairs (I'm the "president" this year!), Paid Summer Internship @ CMU lab (separate year from volunteer year)
Volunteering: 130+ hrs @ lab, 50+ hrs @ Chinese school, 20+ hrs of violin performance and tutoring, 20+ hrs @ non-profit haunted house (IDK if this matters but I love that place), etc.</p>

<p>As a side note, I had already been accepted into NSLI-Y before as a freshman for the 2010-2011 school year as a semester exchange student to Korea. It's quite competitive and there are ~10 spots for the semester section. However, I had to decline due to academic and violin-related conflicts. Does this benefit me in any way?</p>

<p>Please feel free to ask for clarification if that helps you give me more helpful advice! Thanks for your time :D</p>