<p>I'm a Junior in an NY public school, and I'm currently taking 4 APs (Stat, Italian - year 1, US Hist, Eng Lang), as well as Hnrs Chem and Precalc. Next year I plan on taking 6 AP tests: Comparative Gov't and U.S. Gov't (for AP Gov/Pol), Art History and Euro (for Recurring Themes, a 2 period class which also covers my Eng. req.), Environmental Science, and Italian (it's a two year course.) I am also taking it easy in Calc 501, because I seriously lack math skills. I don't personally value APs, but in order to remain competitive I have given in to the craze.</p>
<p>Here are my stats:
Weighted GPA: 3.92 (out of 4.025, since I haven't taken any AP's previous to this year, but 4.5 once AP's are added), but I think this will improve with all the APs I have taken. I receive A's, mostly, with a few B+'s mixed in. Prob. in top 10% (out of 400ish), but my high school is very competitive so I am unsure of my ranking.
PSATs: 221, 80 CR, 80 W, 61 M - I'm taking the May SATs and am brushing up on my math. I know 61 is a horribly low score and colleges look for well-rounded students.
SAT IIs: Italian - 650, World History - 740
APs: World History - 4
Extra-curriculars -
Women's Issues Group<a href="freshman%20yr-present">/b</a>, currently secretary
**Lit Mag<a href="soph-present">/b</a> co-editor, will be editor next year as well
**Varsity Bowling team<a href="soph-present">/b</a>
**Drama Two roles in the fall drama freshman year (complications for the other 2 yrs); stage assistant and layout editor for the spring musical and its program this year.
Speech Competition<a href="junior-prob%20next%20year">/b</a> poetry participant
**GSA - (junior year/present), I don't have a position, but I really should because I have done more for this club, which started being active this year, than either of its presidents.
Varsity Track<a href="spring,%20junior%20year,%20prob.%20next%20year%20as%20well">/b</a> - I joined track because I had nothing to do after school when bowling and the play ended, and it's a little random.
**Hnrs Societies - Eng, Italian, Hist, Nat'l; I've applied for positions in both Italian and History</p>
<p>I entered one of my poems in a competition, and was selected as a regional winner; it will be published in an anthology. (<a href="http://geocities.com/diet-lps%5B/url%5D">http://geocities.com/diet-lps</a>)</p>
<p>I plan on continuing all of these activities next year, and I hope to be cast in the fall drama. Personallly, I think my ECs are average, if not sub-par.</p>
<p>Likelihood of financial aid: Not so much. Although I'm the oldest of 3 and my mother is widowed, we are still in the $100,000-$110,000 income bracket. I worry over sticker shock, hence the SUNY schools.</p>
<p>I want to major in History and Italian, as you might be able to tell by my heavily skewed senior schedule. My SAT II in Italian is rather low, but I didn't study for my SAT IIs and I recognize that was a fault on my part. I plan to retake it. It may also be worth mentioning that although my school had an AP World History course, I just took the test since I wasn't recommended for AP in 8th grade. I plan on taking the English SAT II for my third score.</p>
<p>Currently, I have Georgetown<em>, Smith</em>, Vassar, Barnard, and SUNY Binghamton (and probably other SUNY schools as there's only one app) on my list of schools to apply to. My mother wants me to choose at least one Ivy League school to submit my application to; I'm considering Yale because I like New Haven and from what I have heard they have a stronger history dep't. I don't know if it helps at all, but my aunt works at Yale's medical center.</p>
<p>I've also had Tulane, Tufts, and Bryn Mawr under consideration.</p>
<p>One final question: Do you think my choice of Italian as a major will help me in the application process? My understanding is that having an unpopular major can sometimes be a helpful in the admissions process. Thanks!</p>
<li>= my top two choices; I think I can get into Smith, but Georgetown is a reach. I've visited both.</li>