Chances Thread...

<p>Hey all, could use some help here determining my chances for a Founders/low level scholarship... I think its a longshot..</p>

<p>White Male, Jewish
Top 50 Newsweek High School in NY, school doesn't rank
A- Average Weighted
1250/1890 SAT 1
720 SAT2 US History
5 AP Courses, inc. honors courses
AP Scholar
Varsity Track and Field, 3 Letters
President Film Club, 11th and 12th
Community Service Club 10-12th
Summer Job 10-12th
Solid Rec/Essays</p>


<p>retake your SATs or take the ACT, that way if you score higher you can be virtually guaranteed a good scholarship</p>

<p>2.8 1340/1980, 200 hours month volunteer ambulance driver/emt
it was free
I have no chance.</p>

<p>i received founders with an A- IB diploma candidate and a 1320/2000 so just try and raise your sat score. As for banis your high SAT score and low gpa shows that you are smart but arent a hard worker so that looks really bad</p>