Chances to a couple of schools. Please?

<p>Female from Mt. Prospect, IL</p>

<p>Public School of about 2100, graduating class of 503. Very competitive high school.</p>

<p>ACT: Composite 31
English: 34
Reading: 33
Math: 26
Science: 31</p>

<p>GPA: 4.92 on a 5.0 Scale ((On a 4.0 scale, roughly 3.67UW and 3.94(?)W)) </p>

<p>Top 11% of my class</p>

<p>By the end of my senior year I will have taken 8 AP courses (I am taking four this year)</p>

<p>E.C.s include</p>

<p>Cross Country 9th and 11th grade
Basketball 9th grade
Soccer 10th grade
One Acts (plays) 10th, 11th, and 12th grade
Kick Off Mentor for Freshmen this year
Senior Leader for Gym
Entertainment Editor for school newspaper
Guitar lessons for three years
National Honor Society 11th and 12th grade
Foreign Language Honor Society 11th and 12th grade
AP Scholar with Honors
Illinois State Scholar
ACT Tutor (senior year)</p>

<p>I have won several contests for video making online (one of my videos is actually on a band's site, LOUIS</a> XIV)</p>

<p>Schools I am looking into:</p>

<p>Denison University
University of Michigan
Oberlin College
DePaul University</p>

<p>in, in, in, in.</p>

<p>Thanks! Any other input?</p>

<p>bump. any other input, please???</p>

<p>In at Denison and DePaul. Very good chances at UM. Don't know too much about Oberlin. Best of luck!</p>

<p>I'd be shocked if you didnt get into all of them.</p>

<p>I think you have a very good shot at all of these schools.</p>