chances to CALS or Human Ecology

<p>I have a lot of reaches on my list but what wopuld be a match for me?</p>

<p>Probably a Biology Major</p>

<p>African American
3.7 uw GPA 4.2 w
Hardest Courseload</p>


<p>Maryland Resident</p>

<p>School doesnt rank</p>

National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine....I was invited back as a leader
SPanish Club...Secretary
Multicultural Student Alliance..Secretary
Alpha Phi Alpha Leadership Conference
1 of 2 slected Members selected to be on School accrediation comittee
TracK and Field
100 hours of community service tutoring children
National Honor Society
Spanish Honors Society
Job at grocery store as Cashier 15 hours a week during school year for a year
Yearbook CLub
National Honor Role
Who's Who Amongst american high school students
De LaSalle Scholars Program -$6000 annually i get to go to my private school</p>

<p>some other stuff i cant remember right now</p>

<p>I know Cornell is an Ivy league school and this is not going to be easy but i might as well try</p>

<p>I definitely would go for it, perhaps try ED. Bio major will be a plus for you, I think.</p>

<p>The who's who, national honor role, and national youth leadershp forum are essentially money-making scams that show little to nothing very good about you. Putting them on your app will make you appear na</p>

<p>National Youth Leadership Forum on medicine</p>

<p>i applied for a job at the Center for disease control this summer but didnt get it so i took a job at the Dept. of Education</p>

<p>any more opinion?</p>

<p>ok...specifically Human Ecology</p>

<p>There is no straight Biology major in HE. Are you thinking of Biology and Society? Or Human Biology, Heath, and Society?</p>

<p>biology and society</p>

<p>"The who's who, national honor role, and national youth leadershp forum are essentially money-making scams that show little to nothing very good about you. Putting them on your app will make you appear na</p>

<p>Sorry... What is CALS again?</p>

<p>You sound pretty qualified. I wouldn't worry about your extracurriculars not reflecting a strong interest in bio-- Cornell does understand that high school students are still developing their interests, and that there aren't always opportunities to do research or whatever as a high school student. Also, I imagine that your grades reflect an interest in biology, and the Biology & Society major is very different than straight biology anyway. There's a very strong emphasis on the ethical and social issues surrounding science.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity though, why Human Ecology? I'm only asking because I noticed that you are a Maryland resident, not a New York resident.</p>

<p>i figured it was easier to get into than all the other human ecology better for new york residents since it is part of SUNY right?</p>

<p>see what anyone else thinks</p>

<p>Human Ecology gives preference to New York residents. If you aren't from New York, I'm not sure if it is still really easier to get into than Arts and Sciences. Maybe slightly, I'm really just not sure. </p>

<p>If you get into Human Ecology though, some students have figured out tricks for declaring state residency after a year, so you could probably find a way to pay in-state tuition for 3 years. I probably would have done that instead of Arts and Sciences if I knew that it was possible.</p>

<p>You mentioned only your ACT score, not any SAT or SAT Subject Test scores.</p>

<p>You don't need to submit an SAT score to Cornell; ACT with writing is fine. But you do need to submit SAT Subject Test scores -- math and one other are required for Hum Ec, math and science are recommended for CALS, and any two are required for CAS. So if you haven't taken the SAT Subject Tests, it would be a good idea to sign up for the first test date in the fall (especially if you're considering ED).</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Human Ecology and the other Contract colleges used to give preferences to NY students, but it is no longer the case.<br>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>ok thanx!!</p>

<p>I think you can get in cause i know someone that had a 3.6 and a 1100 that got in</p>