Chances to Colorado College?

Hello, so I know that I won’t know for sure whether I will get in or not just by this post; I would just like to know where I am standing, and any advice would be great!

I applied to schools through QuestBridge (QB finalist), and oddly my application got sent to Colorado College through QuestBridge, they gave me a portal and everything, so I decided why not and just complete the application.

After looking more into it, I actually love the school. I think it’s amazing. I would just like to know if I even have a shot.

Asian female (laos & thai) in GA
GPA 3.95 UW
Rank top 10% 45/684
AP Classes Taken: 8, the rest are honors (my school does not weight honors)
ACT: 26 (low, I know, but SAT was even worse)

National Honor Society (Historian)
German Club (President)
German National Honor Society (President)
Social Justice Club (Vice President)
Student Ambassador
Principals Leadership Committee

Volunteer work: (500+ hours)
Refugee Services: helped refugees in metro Atlanta choose clothes, sorted through donated clothing
Refugee Services: volunteered at day camp for refugee kids that were newly resettled in GA. Led therapeutic activities, chaperoned, cooked ect
Day Care: volunteered almost every day as teacher’s assistant, and summer camp volunteer
Also volunteer at temples, cultural festivals, refugee events

Intern: wrote articles for health research organization that distributed health articles focused to Asian community in Metro Atlanta.

Possible hooks:
QuestBridge finalist
Mom is refugee
First generation college student

Thanks for all the input! I think the school is amazing, and I’m glad I got to apply!

In CC essays I talked about how the school has so many opportunities to be able to volunteer, especially in refugee services, which is my passion, and area of career interest.

Ugh. You’re in a difficult situation. You have a very compelling story with QuestBridge and all the refugee-related extracurriculars. Your GPA is fantastic.

But your low ACT is killing your chances massively. All you can do at this point is hope that they look mostly past it. If they don’t, though, your chances are going to be in the 20 to 35% range – a mid reach.

CC has an incredibly flexible test reporting policy. Do you have higher AP test scores or subject test scores that can help? You sound like you are a real doer, and CC looks for students who actively engage in their community. I would sure hope the low ACT score doesn’t keep you out. Your passion for working with refugees is unique, and your list of accomplishments and contributions are impressive. Best of luck to you, CC is a wonderful school!

What other schools were you linked to? Bowdoin is test optional and 30% of its students don’t submit standardized test scores-I would definitely apply there if I were you. Lewis & Clark, not as elite, is also test optional. Macalister also another great option. You have a compelling story and great GPA, and CC says they do a holistic review, so you may well have a shot. I would not let your ACT score deter you, as you have no idea how an admission committee will react to your very compelling application. Best of luck!

@manning36 Thank you! I applied to Macalester as well, and I did do Wesleyan which is test optional, and my sister attends the school. I applied to around 13 QB schools, so lets hope at least one accepts me. Thanks again

@KingBibi @lr4550 I was waitlisted at Colorado. Any reason I should stay on the waitlist or any advice? thanks again for commenting! Thought I should update since I really enjoyed your comments.

where do you stand with your other applications?

@atl989 Only a small handful are admitted off Colorado College’s waitlist. Where else have you gotten in? If you secure a spot on the waitlist but also start to “fall in love” with one of your definite options, that would be great.

@doschicos @JenJenJenJen I’ve been accepted to Macalester, and plan on enrolling. I was just wondering if it would even be worth it to stay on CC waitlist, as I’m really liking Macalester, I am visiting in April so I will know more about the school.

Macalaster is a great school! Congrats! Can’t hurt to stay on for now. Once you see Macalaster, you can decide if you want to stay on the CC waitlist or you might decide you prefer Macalaster and just drop CC.

Seconding @doschicos – ESPECIALLY since you’re already liking it! I mean, sure, go on the waitlist, it’s free and easy to be on it. But if mentally, that makes it harder to let go of CoCo and fully embrace Macalaster, perhaps it would be better for your mental status to go all in on Mac.

@doschicos @JenJenJenJen Thank you! I actually don’t know much about both schools, so if you can offer me any information that would be great. Yes, it seems crazy I would apply to two schools without knowing much about it, but to be fair they were both on QuestBridge list and all I had to do was forward my application. And crazy enough, CC got my application from Qb before I chose to apply there regular decision. They gave me a portal and everything, though I didn’t plan to apply at first haha. From what I’ve read so far I liked both but leaning closer to Macalester because it’s a definite option. I’m low-income Asian female from GA (I’m pretty liberal, I’m passionate in certain areas such as refugee services), and I really would hope I would fit in, which I wouldn’t see a reason why not. I just wanted another person’s opinion on both schools or one. Either way, I think I’ll love both.

I think Macalaster would be a great fit from how you describe your interests. Minneapolis/St. Paul has a lot of diversity and many immigrants and refugees and Macalister has a very international focus. It’s in a nice neighborhood with a contained campus but super easy to walk to stores, cafes, etc.

Congrats again!

Congrats atl989 on your acceptance to Macalester. What a great school! It certainly won’t hurt to stay on the waitlist at CC but I agree with comments above and I don’t see any point if you are already “all in” for Mac. Macalester seems like an excellent fit for you. Best of luck to you on your college journey!

@atl989 Congrats! I know several people who have attended or taught at Macalester, and they have loved it there! It’s a great school, and the location can’t be beat. I agree with all of the advice offered here. Go see the campus during visiting days and think about how you feel. I hope the answer becomes clear to you during your visit. If the CC wait list opens up, you can always consider that option then. In the meantime, rest assured that Macalester is a wonderful school, one others have mentioned to me in glowing terms. Minneapolis/St. Paul will welcome you and embrace your work with refugee communities. CC would also enthusiastically support your work, so keep an open mind, but know that you have a terrific opportunity to enroll at Macalester, and, if CC becomes a possibility, you’ll have a tough choice to make! Best of luck!