CC Regular Action Chances?

Hi. I just received an email that CC’s regular decisions will be released tomorrow at 6PM (EST) and promptly started freaking out. I was hoping some of you could tell me what my chances are of being admitted.

GPA: 4.56 (weighted)
New SAT: 1400
ACT: 32
I’ve also been a member of National Honor Society and National Art Honor Society for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. I volunteer a lot, especially with my local CERT team and at various community gatherings.
I thought my essays were fairly good, though maybe not the best.
I applied for financial aid as well, and I know CC isn’t need-blind.

Also, I applied through QuestBridge and was a finalist, but was not matched to a college. I sent my application to CC for Early Action and was deferred. Now I’m just waiting for tomorrow’s decision.

Thank you to anyone who responds! I know it’s a bit late but I just need some realistic opinions.

Assuming that you are talking about a 4.0 scale, your numbers are fantastic, but CC puts a lot of weight into recommendations and essays. I suspect that your numbers are good enough to get you a close reading of your essay. I have only been here for two years, but it seems like everyone here has similar numbers. So the Admissions people have a tough job filling 510 slots.

@421mac – my daughter just received that same email, and was also deferred EA with similar stats. CC’s website posts admit rates for each round (, which indicates a 6.2% rate for RD (yikes that was a little scary to read). Not clear where deferred applicants fit into this – the opt-in email said they usually admit 30-40 deferred students to start either in Fall, or after a gap year, after a semester away or following Jan as part of the Winter Start program. Not sure if that is helpful, but good luck to you (and others waiting) and whatever happens, happens!

I was just waitlisted with a 3.9 UW GPA and a 34 ACT, with what I thought were unique ECs &I essays and strong recommendations. Perhaps I did not show enough interest because I never visited or signed up for an interview? Any insight?

@mgb1311 – with record applications submitted, it’s hard to say what it was, but I don’t believe visits or interviews are required or expected. My daughter (see above post) was deferred first round and was just accepted for Winter Start. One of her friends had the same stats as you and was rejected EA, so at least you are still in the game…


I have been waitlisted from Colorado
In the letter, they say they will consider you for fall, winter start, and semester away
Can I also ask if I can be considered for Fall 2018?

I was waitlisted, I’m not surprised since my ACT score is significantly lower than other applicants. I’m not really sure what I should do from now. CC isn’t my first choice, but I do like the school. But hope everyone ends up at a school they’re happy about.

@justin2021 – since this is a unique situation (i.e. you are waitlisted, and therefore not just asking to be deferred for a year), probably best to email your admissions counselor at CC. Good luck!

mg1311. My son was accepted EA and did not visit or interview. He just filled out the Common App. Without looking at your total application, it may be hard for anyone to see what is different from others. The scores seem like they are within range. Can you show your high school guidance counselor you application? They may have more insight.

Does anyone know how many applications CC received this year and about how many kids they took?

@kaufguen – I don’t think any news has been forthcoming yet from the Office of Admission. I sense that, like Stanford, they are waiting until the end of the admission cycle, and that could mean that we’ll hear soon. Sometimes, though, they wait until the Fall semester begins to announce the full results. Many schools had large increases in ED and/or EA applications this year. Someone mentioned on another thread that CC received a record number of ED/EA first-round applications (around 4500?), so if ED II and RD applications remain at the same level as last year, that could mean a record year for CC, surpassing the previous record of more than 8,000 applications for the Class of 2019. For the Class of 2020, the overall admission rate was 15.8%, the lowest ever, and it would not surprise me if this year’s rate falls below 15%. That is all speculation, however, and I feel it’s best to wait for the official numbers. One thing I feel confident in saying, though, is that anyone admitted to CC these days should feel proud of that recognition! It’s truly a wonderful school. I miss it!

Today’s College Kickstart blog cites the following admission statistics for the Colorado College Class of 2021: Applied: 8,215; Admitted: 1,212. Rate: 15%. (The blog always rounds the rate up or down; according to my calculations, it is an actual admission rate of 14.75%.)

They cite “Admissions” as their source but do not include a link. If these numbers are officially confirmed by the Colorado College Office of Admission, it will mean that CC received the highest number of applications in its history and had the lowest rate of admission.

This is significant. It has been a record year for Colorado College.

It is significant and a record year but so many selective colleges are experiencing the same this year. The race to zero. It’s crazy!

@doschicos Good point and something important to think about. At all of these schools there are many more qualified applicants than available spots. It’s heartening to see that some terrific schools (e.g., Macalester) are still able to admit a somewhat higher percentage of talented students.

Thought I’d share the story ending for DD.
Applied RD and was rejected.
Accepted at Colby, Colgate, Lafayette, Macalester and URochester.
Decided to attend URochester - 19k/y scholarship.

@wuddayameen I am not sure if this is of any value, but my father went to Rochester and says it was an amazing school.

My daughter just finished her first year at Rochester. She had an amazing year! It is a fabulous school and a great community. Best of luck to her!