Chances to enter H ?

<p>Hi everybody !</p>

<p>I'm an immigrant student (born in romania, but have lived in italy since 2004, so for the last 5 years - came in italy in 8th grade). Besides, I knew nohing about italian, but since my native language is a latin one, I didn't have too many difficulties to learn italian. </p>

<p>I am attending the penultimate year of hs (in italy there are 5 years of hs, so I'm considered a Junior), but thanks to my grades, I am among the 60 italian students who have the right to teach themselves the 5th and last year of hs (regularly attending the 4th, but studying and preparing alone for the "Maturit</p>

<p>Thanks a lot Stanford13. I do realize that luck plays a (major) role as far as admissions are concered. Should I take the German and Biology M SAT II, or 3 of them is enough?</p>

<p>Got it, thanks. In fact I wasn’t sure whether to take Latin or one of the 2 previous metioned. I guess I’ll take them…</p>

<p>Your 790 on your SAT II Latin is not going to be the deciding factor for acceptance or rejection. I wouldn’t another one if I were you, especially considering your SAT I and the rest of your SAT II scores are perfect. You have a great chance as it is. Good luck :)</p>

<p>woher kannst du deutsch wenn du doch aus Rum</p>

<p>Ich lebe im Suedtirol (das ist in Italien), aber das heisst nicht dass ich sehr gut deutsch sprechen kann. Ich habe deutsch gelernt nur fuer 4 Jahren…</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your replies. There are, of course, other factors that contribute to either rejection or admission such as Interview, Teachers recomm., essay, but I just want to make sure I’m doing good until now.</p>

<p>ich weis wo südtirol liegt^^ war immerhin einmal ein teil von österreich… ich bin aus dem süden von österreich, steiermark um genauer zu sein. schreib mir eine private nachricht! lg</p>

<p>Oh! Leute, die deutsch sprechen!! ;)… hast du Abi gemacht, cookie&cake, oder ist das nur “deutschland”-exklusiv?</p>

<p>If someone has an opinion regarding my chances, please reply !
Put the link to your thread, and I’m going to chance back.</p>
