Chances to get into college

<p>I want to try to get into places like NC State and Chapel Hill.</p>

<p>3.25 GPA UW/3.55 weighted</p>

<p>Several Honors Courses plus 1 AP Bio course(on which I achieved a 4 on). Taking AP Chem this year as well. Sorry if I don't have a list of my classes. I don't have one on me.</p>

<p>Courses for Senior Year
AP Chem/Advanced Honors Chemistry
Honors English IV
AP Stats
Biomedical Technology
French I</p>

<p>EC's- R.O.T.C for all 4 years of High Schoiol. NCO Personnel Officer in my junior year(Orgainized ribbons/awards). </p>

<p>National Honor Society(I was inducted Junior year).</p>

<p>I volunteered for around 18 hours at the libary(should do more).</p>

<p>SAT scores</p>


<p>I'm going to take it again in October.</p>

<p>So what do you guys think? And if you could help me out, that would be nice as well.</p>