<p>Well can somebody give me input on my chances to UCI or UCSD. Im currently a California Community College student.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.02
EC: HITE Certified, AGS member, Worked during CC, Community Service, Tutor.
Major: Business Admin/ Bus Econ, or for SD- Econ:Managment Science</p>
<p>UCSD is a reach. I don't know about a UCI.</p>
<p>UCSD is probably a reach, but since you're going to a CC, a slight reach. UCI... probably a match.</p>
<p>Your odds out of California community college:</p>
<p>UCSD: Reach
UCI: Match-Slight Reach</p>
<p>Average into UCSD a year or two ago was around a 3.4 from california community colleges, i believe UCI's average was a round a 3.1 or 3.2 from california community colleges. Best of luck!</p>
<p>Thanx I appreciate it very much</p>