Chances UC's

<p>What are chances at UCLA, Berkeley, Davis, Notre Dame, BC</p>

<p>1350 SAT I (720 M, 630 V) take again maybe 1400
4.16 UC GPA about 3.8 unweight/ top 5% in class
790 US Hist
740 math IIC
640 Writing (take again)
AP: 5 History and 3 Physics B
Founded clubs (JSA and Freedom's Answer--both political)
400+ Hours
Hospital, elementary school, retirement home community service
Attended 2 summer camps: JSA and FTE
CSF, National Honor's Society, Rotary Interact, Baseball
CA Resident and ELC eligible</p>

<p>Is it easier to get into certain privates early admit or does it all just depend??</p>

<p>It looks like you're in for sure at UC Davis</p>


<p>UCLA: Slight Reach
UCB: Slight Reach
UCD: Safety
Notre Dame: Safe Match (?)
BC: Slight Reach</p>