Chances University Of Michigan In-State

This is more of a general question if I can I get into any competitive colleges for engineering. I am even debating of applying out of state. I live in Michigan. Apparently my scores are not good enough for U of M, so I may retake the ACT and focus on the math section.

I am currently in a pre engineering high school program, technically manufacturing focused. I am also taking courses in a community college.

In regards to that, my high school offers all community college courses for free during high school. We can take quite a few credits, and they support a program that allows a 13th year with college paid for at the local community college. So I could easily go to that community college for free, and there is a “2 years at this community college and 2 years at a well known engineering school” program I could enter. I either want to go into electrical, environmental, or chemical engineering

I am applying to see if I could receive any full rides or merit scholarships, but I do not think my score is high enough for that. I may retake in november, and actually study for the test next time, or try to bring up my 27 in math and return my english score.

On another note, is there any chance for me to get any full rides with scores that low? I do expect a full ride at any great university.

I plan to attend college in State in Michigan. I will apply to most good colleges and by that I mean Michigan State, U of M ann Arbor, Kettering, Michigan Tech, Lawrence, Northern, maybe LSSU

also Alma, Kalamazoo, free application


GPA: 3.99
ACT: 30, 31 superscored
Rank: small rural school, 2, they only give a rank if asked

28 english
25 math
32 reading
27 science
10 writing

26 english - really surprised I went down by two points.
27 Math- Well everything is evened out. I am in Calc 3 through a local community college, so most of this math is a hazy memory,
35 reading- very surprising
32 Science- a good improvement
30- stem, however I do not know how that factors into the score
No writing

2 AP Classes: Lang, Environmental Science Both 5’s-

We can take a max of six ap classes if we do not attend a program. I did attend a program, so my max amount of ap classes would have been 4. I chose to take community college classes instead.

Classes of Note:
Honors English 9-10
Honors Chemistry 11th
CC Calc1,Calc2
CC Cultural Anthropology
Online University Class: Drafting and Design

Currently taking:
Honors Econ
Honors Psychics
Technical Writing
Engineering Technology
Calc 3:Multivariable Calculus CC
Eng Composition 100 level CC- Applying for honors contract at community college


3 years varsity soccer, not possible senior year due to schedule
NHS : 2 years
NTHS: 2 years
Envirothon: Three years, couple first place medals, hoping for state champs this year
Student Council: 10th grade year
National Robotics Competition: Rescue Robot

Volunteer time: 50 hours so far ( at least 25 more for the school year.)
Special Olympics
Charity Events (brunches, dinners)
Good Will
Cleanup at local Sportsman Club

Local Art Magazine: 3 years in a row
Freshman Male Scholar of the Year
Honor Roll (all)

Also Did an Engineering Internship at a local company. Mostly involved soldering, checking inductance, torque readings, and electrical schematics. Also some cad design and prototypes.

There is no point to make a daily post on this forum. If you want, you may bump your old thread. This is at least the third one from you with the same info.

Sorry for the reposting. Is there anything I can do to make this thread more appealing or have a better chance of getting a reply. I do not want to be rude or douple post, but I would like to know what is wrong with my post so that I can get more opinions and be more concise.

I do not want to daily post as you say. It is my mistake. Can I edit the title or improve the question asked in any way?