Chances with ACT 36 at HYPS?? Pleeze!!

<p>Caucasian male from South Louisiana</p>

<p>Rank: 2nd out of 150 (99% go on to 4 year colleges)</p>

<p>ACT : 36</p>

<p>SAT II'S: 790, 790 (still waiting on bio, but should be 730+)</p>

<p>3.96 unweighted GPA</p>

<p>Only one AP offered (Calculus AB) Im taking it now</p>

<p>President of Student council
Quiz bowl captain</p>

<p>President of chess club</p>

<p>Treasurer of national honor society</p>

<p>(5 year member of the above)</p>

<p>Editor of yearbook</p>

<p>foreign language club member
3 year theater member( lead and supporting roles)</p>

<p>State runner up in American legion oratorical contest
State winner and national finalist in US institute of peace essay contest
State finalist in VFW essay contest</p>

<p>Did independent research project concerning land use rights and emminant domain in southern LA concerning oil and gas comparing situation to that of the arctic</p>

<p>started "music for schools program through student council(fundraising to provide kids from low income families and opportunity to join school bands)</p>

<p>better than average essays</p>

<p>very good teacher and counselor recs( 2 out of 3 said i was best ever in their 30 + years)</p>

<p>OK, be brutally honest!! Thanks</p>

<p>So, chances for Stanford SCEA and HYP?? Brutal honesty please!! Thanks!</p>

<p>Excellent chances. In at 2 or more of HYPS if all of this is legit.</p>

<p>Overall you appear to be a very strong applicant: great scores, GPA, rank, and leaderships positions in most clubs. The only thing i could see missing is lack of passion...</p>

<p>Agree with Meadow36. Your chances are probably slightly above average since you are from Louisiana. remember that HY&P see numbers & ECs like yours very often; they just don't see them as often from students residing in southern Louisiana. And that just might be all the advantage that you need.</p>

<p>I agree with the two posters above. GPA is irrelevant, but the ACT 36 gives them a fixed reference point. </p>

<p>About 50/50 to get into one or two of the HYPS.</p>

<p>you did a research project on eminent domain, yet you still can't spell it?</p>

<p>that aside, i think you have good chances.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply everyone ... haha, yea I saw the typo just now! Meadow36, What you said is exactly what I've been slightly paranoid about. I've read all of these horror stories about kids with GOOD ec's, but that they weren't angular enough. Off the cuff, would anybody happen to know stats on applicants with perfect scores to HYPS? Isaw something about 12/23 getting into Harvard with 2400, but nothing for ACT.</p>