<p>hey all...long time lurker. thought i'd bother to make an account and ask about my chances since i'm a rising senior... </p>
<p>3.27 UW/4.0 W (yeah, i know it sucks)
SAT - 1980 (690 CR, 570 M, 720 W)
pretty strong extracurriculars, lots of volunteer hours, good recs, probably will have good essays
applying to education first choice, social work second choice
in state
black female
no rank, small private school, 10 or so people in graduating class
taken the amount of AP classes my school offers (you can only have one freshman year, one sophomore year, two junior year, and unlimited senior year) </p>
<p>should i retake the SAT in october and try to get into the 2000s range, then send my app? or just send my app early on in august? or can i send all of my info and then send my updated SAT scores? </p>
<p>thanks guys!</p>