Biology: C
Spanish I: C
U.S History: A
English I: B
Inner Man-Spirituality: C
Art: B
Pre-Algebra (failed it twice :/): C </p>
Chemistry: B
Spanish II: A
Honors World History: A
Honors English II: A
Studying Revelations: B
Algebra I: C</p>
Physics: B
Spanish III: A
Contemporary History: A
Honors English III: A
Chrisitan Lifestyles: A
Geometry: A</p>
Anatomy & Physiology: A
Spanish IV: A
AP European History: B, 3
AP English Literature & Comp: B, 2 :(
World Religions: A
Algebra II: A</p>
Key Club, Student Council, JV Soccer, JV Softball, JV Volleyball, Peer Ministry, Book Club (founder)</p>
<p>SAT: 1900 </p>
<p>i went thru a really hard time during my freshman year, and that is the reasons for my grades. i know that i screwed up..and i want to go back and fix it...but i cant. i am different now. i want to major in law and make my mother proud of me.... i also heard that princeton doesn't look at freshman grades, is that true?. because i want to go to princeton the most. is there law school good? </p>
<p>are their any chances of getting into princeton? will my story help or anything? please. i need advice.</p>