Chances for Princeton? Will chance back

<p>10th grade:
Honors Chemistry: B/A
Spanish II (honors not offered): A/A
Honors World History: A/A
Honors English II: A/A
Faith & Tradition/Prayer & Spirituality (required; honors not offered): A/A
Weight Training/Psychology (required): A/A
Geometry: B/A</p>

Honors Physics: A/A
Honors Spanish IV: A/A
AP European History: A/A, 5
Honors English III: A/A
World Religions/Christian Ethics (required; honors not offered): A/A
Health/Speech & Debate: A/A
Algebra II: A/A </p>

AP Biology: A/A, 3
AP Spanish Language: A/A, 5
AP U.S Government & Politics/Honors Economics: A/A, 5
AP English Literature & Composition: A/A, 5
Peace & Justice (required; honors not offered): A/A
AP Art History: A/A
Pre-Calculus: A/A </p>

<p>Total APs offered: 8; Total APs taken: 7 (self-studied one of them; USH, 5)</p>

Sports: JV Volleyball, Varsity Soccer, Varsity Softball, Varsity Swimming
Clubs: Astronomy Club, Science Olympiads, Key Club, National Honor Society (president), Spanish National Honor Society (president), Science National Honor Society, Future Lawyers of America (founder & president)
Research: Electromagnetism, Arctic Biology, Aquatic Medicine
Volunteering: Clearwater Marine Aquarium Junior Educator, United Way, Spanish Tutor, ASPCA, I am a diver for the Florida Aquarium, too.
Other: Classical Piano, Fingerstyle guitar (composer.) I'm a musical prodigy.</p>

<p>I can speak Danish (Greenlandic), Spanish, French, and I can read/understand Latin.</p>

<p>Awards: AP Scholar with Distinction, National Merit Finalist
SAT: 2210
M: 650 W: 800 CR: 760
Literature: 800
Spanish: 800
U.S History: 730 </p>

<p>Chances? I want to go into Pre-Law. Thanks!</p>