
<p>Thanks for reading this.</p>

<p>I have already applied EA. </p>

<p>Now, compared to everyone else on this site, I look like i don't belong but i wanted to get some serious chances on my Miami application</p>

<p>I go to Rutgers Prep which is one of the top private schools in the state of NJ.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.03 ..yes i know its horrible. let me explain at the end.</p>

<p>SAT I: 690 Math, 670 CR, 680 WR
ACT: 29
Guidance Rec: Really good..put in a lot of volunteer work at school
2 teacher recs: both teachers know me very well and know how hard i try..should be really good. English and Chem teacher.</p>

<p>EC: I think they are really good.</p>

<p>-Started non profit foundation --> raised over $10000 so far.
-Medical Education video project--> over 50000 views on videos total
- Varsity Basketball/Tennis --> 4 years
-Started Cultural Sunday School--> attended by 50 + students now
- Designed multiple websites etc.
- Paid Job at Kumon as a tutor
-Model UN- Gavel
-Model Congress</p>

<p>Finally, the explanation for my GPA. i really want to know if this will make a difference to them...</p>

<p>My freshman year, I missed about a half year of school when my mother passed away from a brain tumor. The two years after that, i spend in and out of different psychologists office to help me recover from this. my grades suffered greatly and i couldn't focus in school. This year, the first quarter and second quarter, i have picked it up and tried to get myself together.</p>

<p>Do i have a chance?</p>

<p>i personally think youre def in</p>

<p>If you explained your gpa, you’re in.</p>

<p>6% of incoming students had a GPA below 3.25, and they probably had extra high SAT scores or some other factor to bring their application up.</p>

<p>The reason for your low GPA could, I think, hurt you just as much as help you. As much as it might be a good reason to have hurt your GPA, it might work against you because I doubt the admissions office will be inclined to accept a student who portrays himself as mentally unstable.</p>

<p>At the same time, if your school is really as good as you say it is, your admissions officer will know that it that could counteract your low GPA.</p>

<p>All that having been said, with the information that I have I’m leaning towards no. I see no incredible factor that might suggest to the admissions office that you should be among the 6% of people admitted with your GPA.</p>

<p>It might help if you provide an overview of your GPA from every semester in high school. If, for example, your transcript looked like this:</p>

<p>Fall Freshman: 3.9
Spring Freshman: 2.0
Fall Sophomore: 2.3
Spring Sophomore: 2.3
Fall Junior: 3.7
Spring Junior: 3.8</p>

<p>Above, there is an incredibly stark contrast between the semesters around the death of your mother and the other semesters. It also clearly shows that you have recovered from your anguish. It might look better than something like below, where the difference is small.</p>

<p>Fall Freshman: 3.2
Spring Freshman: 2.7
Fall Sophomore: 2.8
Spring Sophomore: 2.7
Fall Junior: 3.3
Spring Junior: 3.3</p>

<p>Anything is possible, and I wish you luck!</p>

<p>Hardly mentally unstable!</p>

<p>you need a connection.</p>

<p>yeah the mentally unstable comment is a bit harsh.</p>

<p>i think you’ll be fine, you have great EC and good SAT scores. if you wrote a kick ass essay i’m sure you’ll get in. Plus if you explained that your mother died, which is devastating for anyone esp a high school a high school freshman, I’m sure they’ll understand why you GPA isn’t perfect.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>Rob is a good spirit and I don’t feel he meant the phrase to come across as harshly as it’s being perceived. I agree with others here that your test scores will pull you thru. You also seem to have that entrepreneurial spirit that UM is very much about these days. The Toppel career center and the Launch Pad would love to have someone who started a nonprofit foundation walk thru their doors.
Best of luck to you!

<p>I think there may be a deferral coming…but that being said, you should make contact with Miami and let them know:</p>

<p>1) you will definitely attend if accepted
2) assuming you are, make it very clear you are full pay…</p>

<p>Finally, if Rutgers Prep has a good relationship with the NJ rep, let your college counseling in on all of this; they could really help you…</p>

<p>We know someone last year who had very low test scores who was deferred, then waitlisted…now a happy freshman at the U after doing the above…</p>

<p>My intention was not to offend, just to provide a candid view of this applicant’s prospects.</p>

<p>I don’t know the applicant, and can’t comment on his mental state. I can only try to anticipate how the office of admission may perceive his application. Knowing the NJ admission officer, I could see him being sympathetic to your situation, but it could also swing in the other direction. An email to him certainly wouldn’t hurt your cause.</p>

<p>Dont worry. I did not take your comment as offensive at all, and in fact, I can see exactly where you are coming from.</p>

<p>Thank you all for the chancing. I just wanted to get some other people’s opinions on this situation. I guess we will see how it turns out soon. I can only hope for the best, and I have gone through all my best efforts to contact everyone.</p>