
<p>I posted this in another thread but no one acknowledged it so here it is:
Can someone tell me where they think I might fall in the applicant pool?
I applied a week or so before the nov.1 deadline and have not heard yet. I think I fall into middle status along with plenty of others but I'm getting really stressed out reading about all these people getting rejected and postponed. Even though I already got accepted into my safeties (CU boulder and Indiana) Madison is my #1 and I would do anything to go there.
Here are my stats:
Public School in Colorado
ACT 28
GPA 3.78w 3.58uw
8 AP classes taken at school that offers 18 total AP's and a few Honors classes but no real blow off classes
Very good essays (in my opinion)
3 Letters of rec ( 2 from teachers I had AP classes with and 1 from Counselor who I know well so letters should be good)
EC's: Played Football 9 and 10th grade with a Varsity letter, Spanish Honor Society Officer and Historian, Local Teen Court Member(what I wrote one of my essay on), Lots of volunteer hours, and other small clubs at school. Various other academic awards ( 2 academic letters) </p>

<p>I realize none of you are probably admission counselors but any feedback (positive or negative) would be greatly appreciated.

<p>Somewhere in the vast middle. You need to be patient a few more weeks.</p>

<p>Yes, I think you’ll get in, I applied about a week after you did with the following creds</p>

<p>ACT 29
GPA 3.61 uw
6 AP’s and a bunch of Honors
Crappy Essays that I wrote at 2 in the morning
2 really short letters of recommendation (neither AP nor core teachers)
1 year of sports and a good chunk of volunteer hours</p>

<p>and I got in last Tuesday with out even getting wait listed and since I’d say we are pretty comparable I think you got a really good shot at it</p>

<p>Thanks lordjubs. Who was your counselor? Cause from my understanding certain areas of the country are getting responses much quicker than others.</p>