They're rolling, right?

<p>I applied to UW-Madison in middle november (16th) and everything got to the school a few days later. My transcript although only got there on the 18th of december (It got lost on the way there the first time, then the second time they lost it until it was recovered). I remember hearing that the school is rolling, as are many publics in the midwest, and I'm afraid because it's aready January and I haven't heard anything. :( . Here are my stats</p>

Minority (Hispanic)
3.8 GPA unweighted- 4.1 weighted (with honors and 1 ap class)
From a competitive catholic high school in northern NJ (so obviously OOS)
24 ACT (25 is the superscore, thats my only weakness)
Great essay and recs
Tons of extra currics and volunteer work</p>

<p>Is anyone else from the northeast still waiting? I applied to Indiana a couple of weeks before Wisconsin and heard after 2 weeks (got accepted). In general, do I look like a viable candidate? I'm applying for arts and sciences....... When should I expect to hear by?</p>

<p>My friend who applied in late November just got her letter of acceptance last week; my other friend who applied in early December has not heard back yet; my application (late Dec) has not started being reviewed yet. We’re all from MA.</p>

<p>GPA OK but ACT a little low. Being URM may help…</p>

<p>Sorry to say, the ACT is not a little low, its low. Just being honest.</p>

<p>If they accept your URM status you have a good shot. Your ACT is about average for URM admits.</p>

<p>i’m from new york and all of my materials were in on october 5th…still havent heard anything</p>

<p>i have no clue what’s going on</p>

<p>Haha I applied months ago, haven’t heard a thing. Also, I got into Indiana as well…won’t be going there though</p>

<p>Yes- rolling admissions. Not first come-first served. No waiting until a date in March for everyone to get their news. You get your decision as it is made. You can be quickly admitted or denied. You could be in the huge pile needed to be evaluated pile for quite a while- it takes time to even superficially deal with the thousands of applicants. Or you can be put in a pile waiting for an answer while they decide if you deserve a place more than someone else with a similar profile. Or you could be deferred until the rest of the applications have been dealt with and they decide if you or someone else in that pile gets a remaining spot. Patience is required.</p>