<p>15 going 16 senior - indian
[skipped a grade]</p>
<p>3.2 unweighted [ hit major family problems sophomore/junior year]
currently maintain 5 A+s, 1 B-,1 B+ [ senior year]
SAT IIs - awesome</p>
<p>not great SAT scores tho =(
SAT 1 - 540 verbal, 630 math, 630 writing</p>
<p>Excellent recs
Excellent essays</p>
<p>4 years Tennis - varisty/ received various awards, played for states, scholarhship, tennis tournaments
4 years orchestra - chamber 2nd stand, symphony etc performed for plays & musicals, scholarship, music achivement award
Music School - performed with professional violinist, selected for one of the top master classes with professional violinist, 5 solo recitals representing school
concert choir 2 years
4 years -active member for Social studies forum
4 years of academy of science- currently executive board
magazine staff & writer
leads graduate level research group at rutgers university with 2 different profs
worked at NYU MEdical school- studied 1,000 medical cases with resident students
Research - subcloning of a gene, currently writing a publication
FBLA- 4 years, currently publicity head - state conference in public speaking and regionals for 3 years in marketing etc
Chemistry Olympics NJ State team/Physics Olypmics team representing school
Market Researcher for international biotech company
Founder of a music school- carnatic music [ indian ] to help support my cousin who suffers from mental disabilities
Founder of a small library in community
Founder of a science organization in local community
All accelerated/honors/AP classes since freshman year
President of short-term company founded to help katrina victims
Ambassador for an organization
Currently work as a Music Theory teacher
Started a tennis camp for kids with mental disabilities
Walk for hope - 4 years</p>
<p>I will be writing my essay on my family and health problems that Ive undergone over the past few years</p>
<p>Call the admissions office and check just to be sure.
I think you have a great chance, especially if your state is underrepresented at Michigan.</p>
<p>You have a low GPA, and from what has been said on these boards, GPA looks like the most important factor. If you are just applying now, your chances are further diminished because Michigan practices rolling admissions.</p>
<p>I don't think you will be admitted right away. You might be deferred, but it's tough to say. Good luck, all you can do is hope for the best.</p>
<p>How can you possibly say this kid has a good chance? He has 1170 on his SAT's, a 3.2 gpa (which probably translates into an even worse UMich GPA). You will be rejected. Very small possibility of deferal. Maybe waitlist, but I definitely do not see you going to Michigan next year. Skipping a grade was a stupid choice as evidenced by your lackadaisical GPA/SAT's.</p>
<p>excellent recs, essays and afterschool activities but that is not what uofm considers the most important factors in admission, which is the gpa and test scores, so i say if u apply now tell them about ur family problems as it might correlate with ur grade being crap and do take the act to see if it's right for u or even better: quit ur extracurricular's and calm down, and study for both the act and sat again, cuz it looks like u've been overloaded with xc's. However in terms of chances right now, u'll be automatically deferred till ur sr. grades and when and if u do decide to retake the sat or act.</p>
<p>i agree with henry. the OP is gonna need some serious luck. a 3.2 mich gpa, 1170 sat, AND OOS AND you applied this late = rejection. i'm just being honest here, i don't mean to be harsh. but maybe if the OP REALLY plays up the tough situation factor, he or she may be deferred.</p>
<p>but then again, holy crap do you have some awesome ECs!!!!!!!! maybe you can go back down a grade and raise your GPA and take the SAT again, and apply next year.</p>
<p>i agree w/ iciclerose88
leading graduate lv research group at rutgers w/ 2 different proffs???
but u got only 3.2gpa and 1170sats,,,
how could you be chosen? based on what?
i'm just curious :) u got really great Ecs</p>
<p>flsky, I have to agree with the nay-sayers. Students with sub 3.3 GPAs usually don't stand a chance unless they have amazing standardized scores...and even then, their chances aren't good. I have to say that your chances aren't good.</p>