<p>junoir at one of the top prep schools
my uw gpa puts me in the top ~15%, i am taking the most difficult math/science courseload possible (multivar, bio lab, ap physics, chemistry past AP level)
SAT- 740/770/760 v/m/w
II's - 800/800 IIC/Chem</p>
math club (top 20 MAML, mid-120s/6 AMC/AIME, top ten HMMT)
science club (second place science bowl team)
compsci club (ACSL allstars)
chess club
co-founder and co-president mock trial club
cross-country, track (lettered)</p>
<p>i can get great recommendations from teachers, write great essays</p>
<p>any thoughts at chances at the schools a typical math/science person would apply to?</p>
<p>Princeton -reach
Chicago -match
Berckely -slight reach</p>
<p>nobody else? i want some help...</p>
<p>Let's see, typical math/science schools, first three that come to mind are MIT, Caltech, and Harvey Mudd, w/ UChicago also in my mind. Overall:HMC and UChic somewhat a reach, MIT and Caltech will by rule of thumb always be reaches, regardless of most if not all circumstances. However, putting your numbers up against mine, you beat me on the SAT's by almost 300 pts. and I managed MIT and HMC, so u should be in a pretty comfortable position, just 2 recommendations however, maybe you didn't list but a)try to get a job and b)try to be in a club where you have leadership and perhaps a leadership group in general whether it be student gov't or a peer leadership program. Good luck</p>