<p>bear, I was just pointing out a distinguishing feature of the campus and asking about the social makeup.this particular room was impressive in an understated way.I have no frame of reference since hotchkiss is not on my radar. i am sure it is nice there.no offense, but it is undisputed that AES!..d? are the first tier. That does not mean that hotchkiss is not just as good , the rep just doesn't bear that out in htis case.</p>
going to a top BS like AESDCH or milton etc is a privledge, not a right...no one "deserves" to go...
<p>Exactly. Well said. :)</p>
<p>hotchkiss just built our new $100million music building with 36 practice rooms and a world class music hall...
our music dept head are 2 world class pianist from brazil who performs at carnegie hall....and yes...they teach half the piano lessons to answer chao's question</p>
<p>dude this just makes me wanna go to BS even more- imean no where else will u be able to find this sort of thing at the high school level. :)</p>
<p>This year, 22 or Andover's entire student population is from Texas...</p>
<p>Don't know about Exeter..</p>
<p>Congrats, anyhow!!!</p>
<p>a little late bud....for andover and exeter....try next year but you can always try this year....2300 kids applied to andover this year...about 500 accepted...so prob 250 kids are on the waiting list...</p>
<p>try next year for best chances..</p>
<p>i would advise you to look at other schools.
i was in the same position as you last year. i'm asian and i only applied to andover and exeter... my parents said the same things as your parents.</p>
<p>as a result i got waitlisted at both schools and i waited 8 months before i got rejected. you don't want to go through that, so i suggest you look at other good schools like deerfield, hotchkiss and st pauls. they are all excellent schools. </p>
<p>your chances are good, but bear in mind there are lots of great applicants there. i got a 99 on my ssats and i still didnt get in. also you should put down everything ALL of your achievements, in order of importance of course.</p>
<p>good luck</p>
<p>there are not 250 kids on andover's waiting list. my son is waitlisted and the letter specifically says approximately only 25 per grade. that would be 100 kids in total.</p>
<p>xcyuen and meleny, I'm confused..
this is an old thread that got bumped up.
I already applied to Andover & Exeter. I've been accepted into Exeter and rejected at Andover.</p>
<p>this is funny, because I was just reading something else about you being accepted at exeter and thinking, why is she posting this about her chances now when she is already in!!!!!</p>
<p>LOL. I was the one that bumped it because I was looking at old threads and had Andover's geographic distribution at hand. SO I thought I'd give her an exact amount...</p>