
<p>I have a good list of schools, but I would also like suggestions along with the chances, Thank You.</p>

<p>School List</p>

<p>Cornell University (ED) CAS
University of the Pacific (5 year dental)
University of Southern California
University of California Los Angeles (in-state)
University of California San Diego (in-state)
University of California Berkeley (in-state)
University of California Irvine (in-state)
Rice University
Pepperdine University
University of Notre Dame
Wesleyan University
U Chicago</p>

<p>Suggestions? LAC's, Unis Bio Major or Premed</p>

<p>CA Male AGE:16 Junior Semi competetic H.s</p>

<p>Freshmen Year</p>

<p>Health A/A
Honors Biology A/A
Spanish 2 A-/A-
Honors English 1 A/A
Honors World A/A
Honors Geometry A/A</p>


<p>Alg2/Trig B-/C+
Honors English 2 B/B
Spanish 3 A/A
Art 1 A/A
Honors Chem B/B
PE A/A</p>


<p>AP/IB English Lang A/A
AP/IB SL Computer Science A-/B
AP/IB Biology B/B
Spanish 4 B/B
AP/IB European B/A-
Precalculus B/B</p>

<p>Senior year</p>

<p>AP Physics
AP/IB English LIterature
AP/IB European
Ap/IB Biology
AP/IB Spanish 5
AP Stats
Theory of kNowlegde</p>


<p>Weighted: 3.975
UnWeighted: 3.625
UC GPA: 3.73</p>

<p>SAT I: Math 710 Crical Reading 610 Writing 590 Essay 11
SAT II: Lit 570 math II 650 US 610</p>

<p>AP Score
Biology 3
European 4
English Lang 4
Computer science 1</p>

<p>IB Scores
Math SL 6
Comp SL 4</p>

<p>Recs: I dont Know
Essays: Okay, cant say much because I will put time into them
EC's : Awesome. Well rounded 2 positions, sports, culture, charity, commservice, full IB diploma Candidtate, CAS, first genereation college.</p>

<p>I'm only going to give my opinion on your USC chances. You may want to post this on a general chances thread (outside of the USC thread) to get other opinions for other schools/suggestions.</p>

<p>To be honest, you will probably be borderline. USC Biology majors are in the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences (CLAS) and that's the "easiest" college at USC to be admitted to- so that will help. </p>

<p>You will need a hook to put you over the top. Play up some of your EC's. It's actually better to have a passion in one area and show your development in that (involvement and leadership) rather than show you are well-rounded. I don't know what CAS is, but first generation college will help. You should take the SAT I again because USC superscores (combines scores from different sittings), so it can only help. Bringing up your score over 2000 would be a big boost. The fact that you have pushed yourself to take many honors, AP, and IB classes will also help you, but be aware that most (esp. here on CC) have done the same. </p>

<p>So... find something that will really make you stand out. Start working on your essays NOW! And make sure you get some EXCELLENT recs. Good luck!</p>