Last Chances thread ever........plzzz help out....OMG OMG OMG OMG

<p>I have a good list of schools, but I would also like suggestions along with the chances, Thank You.</p>

<p>School List</p>

<p>Cornell University (ED) CAS
University of the Pacific (5 year dental)
University of Southern California
University of California Los Angeles (in-state)
University of California San Diego (in-state)
University of California Berkeley (in-state)
University of California Irvine (in-state)
Rice University
Pepperdine University
University of Notre Dame
Wesleyan University
U Chicago</p>

<p>Suggestions? LAC's, Unis Bio Major or Premed</p>

<p>CA Male AGE:16 Junior Semi competetic H.s</p>

<p>Freshmen Year</p>

<p>Health A/A
Honors Biology A/A
Spanish 2 A-/A-
Honors English 1 A/A
Honors World A/A
Honors Geometry A/A</p>


<p>Alg2/Trig B-/C+
Honors English 2 B/B
Spanish 3 A/A
Art 1 A/A
Honors Chem B/B
PE A/A</p>


<p>AP/IB English Lang A/A
AP/IB SL Computer Science A-/B
AP/IB Biology B/B
Spanish 4 B/B
AP/IB European B/A-
Precalculus B/B</p>

<p>Senior year</p>

<p>AP Physics
AP/IB English LIterature
AP/IB European
Ap/IB Biology
AP/IB Spanish 5
AP Stats
Theory of kNowlegde</p>


<p>Weighted: 3.975
UnWeighted: 3.625
UC GPA: 3.73</p>

<p>SAT I: Math 710 Crical Reading 610 Writing 590 Essay 11
SAT II: Lit 570 math II 650 US 610</p>

<p>AP Score
Biology 3
European 4
English Lang 4
Computer science 1</p>

<p>IB Scores
Math SL 6
Comp SL 4</p>

<p>Recs: I dont Know
Essays: Okay, cant say much because I will put time into them
EC's : Awesome. Well rounded 2 positions, sports, culture, charity, commservice, full IB diploma Candidtate, CAS, first genereation college.</p>

<p>I should have wrote a catchier post title haha</p>

<p>You have lousy AP scores.</p>

<p>Cornell University (ED) CAS: REJECT
University of the Pacific (5 year dental): In
University of Southern California: REJECT
University of California Los Angeles (in-state): REJECT
University of California San Diego (in-state): Maybe
University of California Berkeley (in-state): REJECT
University of California Irvine (in-state): In
Rice University: REJECT
Pepperdine University: In
University of Notre Dame: REJECT
Wesleyan University: REJECT
U Chicago: REJECT</p>

<p>No one cares about AP scores.</p>

<p>Hey, I wouldnt call them lousy......there are 3 4's up there!</p>

<p>Cornell University (ED) CAS/ no shot. c'mon, be realistic.
University of the Pacific (5 year dental)/in
University of Southern California/reach
University of California Los Angeles (in-state)/reject
University of California San Diego (in-state)/reach
University of California Berkeley (in-state)/reject
University of California Irvine (in-state)/match
Rice University/reject
Pepperdine University/match
University of Notre Dame/high reach
Wesleyan University/reject
U Chicago/reject</p>

<p>denggggg this sucks.</p>

<p>dont let their comments prevent you from applying. you gotta take risks in life. cornell is worth a shot. your ecs and essays may help</p>

<p>what puzzles me is that they all put reject at USC and UCSD where I felt I had a shot</p>

<p>Low AP scores usually means your school is easy.</p>

<p>Well he didn't even do good in those classes.</p>

<p>wow this is ranked 11/600</p>

<p>While you do need to take risks in life, I would recommend calculated risks rather than shots in the dark. And while it may be OK to apply to Cornell since it is your favorite, the real problem is your entire list, not one school. </p>

<p>Unlike many Chances threads, I think the posters have actually given you a pretty good assessment of your list. The take home message is that it's too high, you need to lower your sights and have more match and safety schools, or you are likely to be very dissapointed next spring. While it's true that EC's and essays may help, they are seconday factors to grades, difficulty of course selection and test scores. </p>

<p>My advice would be to take the things that you like about Cornell, UChicago, etc, and find schools with similar qualities but are not as selective.</p>

<p>So should i even apply.........</p>

<p>lol if you have a safety and several matches youre fine, no matter how many reaches you have
if i were you, id apply to all those schools because it doesnt hurt. its not like youre going to be rejected from all of those schools</p>

<p>Do w/e you want kid it's your life.</p>

<p>Well do you think ill actually get into one of the reaches?? If not ill just look for more schools. Aside from SC and Cornell, im not really attatched to them.</p>