Am i rejected at all except UCI, Pepperding, and UOP or are ppl just messed up on CC

<p>I have a good list of schools, but I would also like suggestions along with the chances, Thank You.</p>

<p>School List</p>

<p>Cornell University (ED) CAS
University of the Pacific (5 year dental)
University of Southern California
University of California Los Angeles (in-state)
University of California San Diego (in-state)
University of California Berkeley (in-state)
University of California Irvine (in-state)
Rice University
Pepperdine University
University of Notre Dame
Wesleyan University
U Chicago</p>

<p>Suggestions? LAC's, Unis Bio Major or Premed</p>

<p>CA Male AGE:16 Junior Semi competetic H.s</p>

<p>Freshmen Year</p>

<p>Health A/A
Honors Biology A/A
Spanish 2 A-/A-
Honors English 1 A/A
Honors World A/A
Honors Geometry A/A</p>


<p>Alg2/Trig B-/C+
Honors English 2 B/B
Spanish 3 A/A
Art 1 A/A
Honors Chem B/B
PE A/A</p>


<p>AP/IB English Lang A/A
AP/IB SL Computer Science A-/B
AP/IB Biology B/B
Spanish 4 B/B
AP/IB European B/A-
Precalculus B/B</p>

<p>Senior year</p>

<p>AP Physics
AP/IB English LIterature
AP/IB European
Ap/IB Biology
AP/IB Spanish 5
AP Stats
Theory of kNowlegde</p>


<p>Weighted: 3.975
UnWeighted: 3.625
UC GPA: 3.73</p>

<p>SAT I: Math 710 Crical Reading 610 Writing 590 Essay 11
SAT II: Lit 570 math II 650 US 610</p>

<p>AP Score
Biology 3
European 4
English Lang 4
Computer science 1</p>

<p>IB Scores
Math SL 6
Comp SL 4</p>

<p>Recs: I dont Know
Essays: Okay, cant say much because I will put time into them
EC's : Awesome. Well rounded 2 positions, sports, culture, charity, commservice, full IB diploma Candidtate, CAS, first genereation college.</p>

<p>u might also be able to get in UCSD although i dont know that much about california schools.</p>

<p>cornell is a long shot, but being firs generation will definitly help. g' luck</p>

<p>hmm... yea, uci, pepperdine, etc. are matches. for ucsd, it might be a slight reach due to your gpa. ucla and cal seem like reaches. again, due to your gpa. avg sat scores range 2000-2100 for the schools, while sat2 scores avg (top two scores) 730 and 680 for both.</p>

<p>UC Berkeley/UCLA: Reach (in state)
UCSD: Slight Reach (in state)
UCI: Match-Safe Match (in state)
USC: Slight Reach-Reach
UorP: Safe Match-Safety (5Y Dental)
Rice: Reach
Pepperdine: Safe Match-Safety
Notre Dame: Slight Reach-Reach
Wesleyan: Reach
U Chicago: Reach</p>

<p>No need to make two chances threads.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I'm guessing rejected at Cornell, U Chicago, and Wesleyan. You have a shot at USC and UCLA though.</p>

<p>Cornell University (ED) CAS: big reach
University of the Pacific (5 year dental): match
University of Southern California: reach
University of California Los Angeles (in-state): big reach
University of California San Diego (in-state): reach
University of California Berkeley (in-state): big reach
University of California Irvine (in-state): slight reach
Rice University: reach
Pepperdine University: match
University of Notre Dame: reach
Wesleyan University: reach
U Chicago: reach</p>

<p>Your UW GPA, by my count, is ~3.3. You have far too many Bs/Cs for the top UCs. This also makes most other top schools reaches.</p>

<p>Your UC GPA (which is the only thing that matters at the UCs) is 3.708333 (you don't count the PE course you took sophomore year)</p>

<p>Your SAT I score is 1910 and your two best SAT IIs are 650 and 610.</p>

<p>You say your ECs are "awesome". You took a lot of honors/AP courses.</p>

<p>Based upon this, your chances are:</p>

UCSD--Slight Reach
UCSC/UCR--Safe Match

<p>At the other schools:</p>

<p>Cornell--Slight Reach
UOP (Dental)--Match to Slight Reach (closer to match)
USC--Match to Slight Reach
Notre Dame--Reach
Wesleyan--Slight Reach
Chicago--Slight Reach</p>

<p>My suggestions for other schools:
Reach: Tufts
Slight Reaches: Brandeis, University of Virginia
Matches: Michigan, Univ of Rochester, Bucknell, Wake Forest
Safe Matches: Penn State
Safety: Ohio State</p>

<p>Wow this is great.........i ........does anyone else have an opniono or suggestions on where to apply</p>

<p>Calcruzer, how are Rice and Notre Dame bigger reaches than Cornell or UChicago? If anything, it should be reversed. The OP has a better chance at Rice or Notre Dame (decent chances) than Cornell or UChicago.</p>

<p>are you seriously looking at pepperdine and wesleyan? They are possibly the two most contrasting colleges in the country.</p>

<p>haha, yeahh..any suggestions on where I should Apply. I messed up, JHU is ED Cornell, I didnt even put JHU which is my top choice.</p>

<p>Ok here is the deal. </p>

<p>Your Strengths- Your EC's and your essays
Your Weaknesses- Your GPA is alright, the problem is that there is a downward trend. An upward trend with the same GPA would look a lot better. Your AP scores are pretty good, but the 1 in comp science doesn't look to great =/. SAT's are not that good (for Cornell, JHU, etc), same with your SAT 2's.</p>

<p>To be honest, I really don't think you have a good shot at many of the higher tier.. there are some great (less competitive schools) you could get into. </p>

<p>But If you are really shooting for them, study all summer and get a 2200+ on SAT's. </p>

<p>However, don't let anyone tell you not to apply. There is def a chance you can get into one of your dream schools.</p>

<p>Have you looked at U Wis Madison</p>

<p>Great school that is a bit easier to get into then cornell, jhu etc</p>

<p>Rice is normally considered more difficult than Cornell (the easiest Ivy to get into) and about equal with Chicago in terms of difficulty to get into. </p>

<p>However, at Chicago people almost always have a chance if they write a great essay, whereas this is not true at Rice.</p>

<p>As far as Notre Dame, they are very particular about a few things in your background--namely participation as a captain or other leadership in sports or in a particular service club and a lot of volunteer work--with preference give to those doing work with Catholic charities (they are a Catholic school after all). The OP has neither of these listed, which makes it tougher for him to get into Notre Dame than Cornell or Chicago in my view.</p>

<p>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, up

<p>your GPA is alright and could be offset by some better SAT scores. right now your scores are not in the range of the top tier school that you want to go to. like others have said, study hard and retake your SATs, then write a killer essay!</p>