
<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Location: IL
School: Public very competitive high school, 3200ish students
Rank: 88/756
GPA: Unweighted: 3.5, Weighted 4.06
8th Grade High School Credits
Honors Geometry, Honors Spanish 2, Art I
Freshman Yr.
Honors Native Speakers Spanish 2, Honors Biology, Honors English, Honors History, Honors Algebra II, Photography I, TV/Radio Production
Sophomore Yr.
Honors Native Speakers Spanish 3, Honors Chemistry, Honors English, Honors World History (no AP offered at sophomore level), Honors Trig, Honors Child Development
Junior Yr.
AB Calculus, Honors English (no AP offered at junior level), AP Spanish Native Speakers, Honors Advanced Journalism, AP US History, Honors Physics
Senior Yr.
Going to take AP Psychology, AP Spanish 5, Honors Senior Studies (a specialized course my school offers that incorporates intensive community service, English and history), Honors Sociology, Honors Advanced Journalism
ACT: 33
Taking SAT and SAT IIs in the Spring</p>

Varsity cross country 9-12, Captain 12
Student Council 11-12
Soccer 9
Track 10
School newspaper 11-12
Contributor to town newspaper 11-12
Community Service Club 10-12
Going on a volunteer trip to the Appalachian Mountains next summer
100+ hours community service</p>

All-Conference cross country freshman and sophomore years
Freshman and Sophomore Honor Society
Outstanding Achievement in Spanish</p>

<p>Job Exp: 15 hours a week at a restaurant</p>
