
<p>I REALLY want to go to Bucknell, and I have since I was little. My father went there and is an active member in the Alumni Health Network. This summer I attended a Legacy Admissions Workshop (not for Bucknell in particular but a general one held by Bucknell and their admissions people.) That counted as my interview, and I have been in correspondence with an admissions counselor there, who seems to like me well enough. here are my stats…
GPA- 97.3
Top 10%
Senior classes- AP Psych, AP Econ, AP Chem (2 credits), Honors Bio, English IV, Calc, and Senior Internship.
I have taken honors math every year I have been able to (we only have AP calc, and it’s not my strongest subject.) I have taken AP World History, and AP Art History so far.
I want to become a surgeon and my intended major is neuroscience and i applied ED.</p>


<p>I think you are fine</p>

<p>Additionally I also was at CAW =]
And i did some research, the Class of 2012 had 96 legacies
That just shows how much they love us legacy kids =]</p>

<p>Great chances! My d applied ED as a Legacy last year w/ similar GPA and course load, but mediocre SATs. She had very strong extracurriculars and leadership roles along with strong essays to compensate for the mediocre SATs. She got in and LOVES it!!! Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>My D also applied ED last year as a legacy ('Ray Bucknell!) w/ similar GPA (slightly lower) and class rank. Her classes were all honors/advanced. Her hs does not have AP. She now attends and loves it!</p>

<p>I think you have an excellent chance of acceptance.</p>

<p>thank you all so much, your positivity is helping me!! im just going nuts waiting!! thanks again!</p>

<p>Same! Even though I have talked to you already along with the others applying ED
I cant wait either =]</p>