
<p>sorry to bother, just nervous - help me out?</p>

Male, Caucasian
Location: Extremely small town, Wisconsin
School: Public, top students go to Madison, a few in the past have gone farther
Financial Aid: Yes</p>

- UW GPA - 3.86-3.9
- W GPA - Don't know, did max AP course offered at school and 12 credits at local university
- Rank: 5of100, will be better at the end of this year</p>

<li>Noteworthy: Will have taken 2 UW Extensions courses (Latin, Hebrew) and 4 classes at local university (2 semesters of English and Philosophy)
<li>ACT - 32(C), 36(R), 34(E), 31(S), 28(M) - super scored with another is 33</li>
<li>SAT II - Lit (730), Math 2 (690), USHis (680) - not ideal, don't think I'll send

<li>4 year FBLA Member - held officer positions</li>
<li>4 year varsity soccer, 3 years competitive club soccer, 1 year wrestling</li>
<li>3 year Math team, 4 year Classics Club, International Club, Spanish Honor Society</li>
<li>2 year (max allowed) National Honor Society</li>
<li>Also: City-wide Robotics team, Companion Program (needy kids), Youth group, significant mission trips, many hours of community service, started church ping pong club</li>

<p>Volunteer Experience: Summers full of mission trips all my life, volunteer at food pantry, some more</p>

<p>Employment - hook?
- Own and maintain successful web design firm. Have gotten significant local recognition, plenty of commission. Life-altering commitment, I madly enjoy it.
- IT assistant at school, work during the school day, made website, etc</p>

<p>Honors and Awards
- Won State for FBLA Competitive event, Top 20 at Nationals, fully expect nationals again this year, hopefully in Top 5,
- Evan Baxter Creativity Award, sort of a big deal
- Dozens of typical sports awards (letters, scholar award)
- School does department awards at the end of the year, bound to get at least one
- High Honor roll, school achievement awards
- Homecoming court? just kidding</p>

<p>Recs and Essays
- Should be good</p>

<p>Other - English is a second language, fluent in Italian, parents are methodist pastors (notre dame problems?)</p>

<p>Thanks for your help</p>

<p>Assuming your essays are good, I think you’re in. Good luck.
I like that you started a ping pong club, and even more that you included it in your application. :)</p>


<p>thanks for the reply, sorry for the delayed bump</p>

<p>any seasoned CC’ers have an opinion?</p>


<p>Everything does look good.
Which essay question did you choose to write on?</p>

<p>i haven’t yet decided on the third essay, I still have 2 days to work on it though</p>