Status: In-State
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
School: Public High School
Major: Chemical Engineering</p>
ACT: 32
SAT II: Math II (790), Chemistry (790), Spanish (800)
AP Tests:
[<em>] Human Geography -3
[</em>] Biology - 3
[li] World History - 2[/li][/ul]</p>
<p>AS Tests (if you don't know what they are, just skip them):
[<em>] Spanish Language - A
[</em>] Mathematics - B
[<em>] U.S. History - C
[</em>] Chemistry - C
[<em>] English Language - C
[</em>] Psychology - C
Took AS courses my junior year and A-levels (with some ASs that I couldn't take last year) this (senior) year.</p>
<p>Senior Schedule:
[<em>] AS level Thinking Skills
[</em>] GCE A-level Pure Mathematics
[<em>] GCE A-level Chemistry
[</em>] GCE A-level Spanish
[<em>] Math Research (this class the math club made up)
[</em>] AS Physics
[<em>] AS English Literature (A-level not offered)
[</em>] Honors American Government/Honors Economics (Graduation requirement, couldn't take AP)
[/ul] Other Stats:
Rank: School does not rank, but #1 in class. 99% percentile.
GPA: UW (3.6), UF (~4.1, ~4.3 with Senior Grades)</p>
SWAT - Students Working Against Tobacco: 9, 10,11
Chess Club: 11, 12 (President)
Mu Alpha Theta: 11, 12
Engineering Club: 12</p>
I moved schools, hence why I took both APs and AS/A-Levels.
Decent Essay, nothing spectacular. </p>
<p>I started out high school not caring, which is when I took those APs. Over time, I started to care, so when I did take the ACT and Subject Tests, I scored well. On the upside of things, my grades have that upward trend thing going. </p>
<p>I thought they only looked at scores for placement, and not really as part of the admission requirements?</p>