
<p>frosh gpa - 3.66 cp classes
soph gpa - 3.83 english honors, rest cp
junior classes - ap us hist, ap english, honors chem, honors physics, spanish 3, algebra 2/trig - expectied gpa - 4.66 weighted
senior - all ap courses</p>

<p>i have some good ec's such as being asb president, 3 years track team varsity, 200+ hours service learning, various clubs</p>

<p>sat I ~ 2000+
sat 2 ~ 700+ all 3
possibley high act score</p>

<p>First, which major will you declare?</p>

<p>psychiatry so i guess premed</p>

<p>Pre med is not a major. Your test scores look ok, but there seems to be a lack of ECs. How do you think you did on the AP tests for this year? Do you live in california?</p>