Im a Sophmore in HS, do I have a chance or did I mess up?

<p>Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. Anyways im a sophomore in high school and I am taking all regular classes and will have a 3.8 unweighted GPA this semester and 4.0 GPA next semester. I am in Key club, California Scholarship Federation, and do cross country and track. I had a 4.0 GPA freshman year (all regulars) if that helps. I also volunteer and feed the homeless almost every Wednesdays. If i take honors and AP classes next year with good extra curriculars do i stand a chance or am i already done? What can I do to up my chances besides great SAT scores? Thanks again.</p>

<p>too early to tell.</p>

<p>dude…chill…u got some time still :)</p>

<p>But will it kill me if im in all regulars sophomore year? And would it kill me if i dont get awards?</p>

<p>ok…a few things…</p>

<p>1.) no, nothing like that will kill you, per se…</p>

<p>2.) Just take the most challenging course load possible (like ALL APs/ Honors your junior/senior years && get HIGH grades in those courses) & you should be good 2 go :)</p>

<p>Ah I took all regular classes my sophmore year and I got in.</p>

<p>ohhh…and as for the awards…you have 2 years to get one, but you don’t NEED to have one lols</p>

<p>Hey Calbear mind if i ask what your qualifications are? And what should I do to up my ECs?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry im being paranoid.</p>

<p>Well I took sophmore year with normal classes, but my junior-senior years combined I took 8 AP classes: US History, Spanish Lang., US Gov., MicroEcon, Stat, Calc AB, Biology and Physics B.</p>

<p>Did you do a lot of ECs? Did something really special make you stand out?</p>

<p>Not really…I volunteered, joined a couple of clubs, intership, worked a job. Kind of normal if you ask me.</p>

<p>Well thanks ppls. So it seems like all i need is APs/Honors for junior/senior year, 1 award (maybe), and that’s it?</p>

<p>You don’t even need an “award” if you have the right GPA and SAT.</p>

<p>Write some killer essays!!!</p>

<p>Yeah honestly, chill man – your junior year is much more important, and you’ll find that there is basically no certainty in the admissions game. ONe of the primary things I’m interested in myself. So it’s definitely not worth stressing, just use your high school years wisely, whatever that means to you personally. And you’ll have something to talk about in your essays.</p>

<p>don’t worry about it. Just do the best u can. everything will be fine!</p>

<p>btw, CSF doesn’t mean anything…dont use it as ur ECs</p>