
<p>Gender: F
Location: Upstate NY
College Class Year: 2014
High School: Public a little under 2000
Will apply for financial aid: Yeah baby!</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 94.10
GPA - Weighted: i have no idea as we dont get them until mid senior year... im guessing it will be a bit better as all my classes were at least A level and im going to (hopefully) graduate with 7 AP's (if calc doesnt kill me first)</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 680
SAT I Critical Reading: 720
SAT I Writing: 630
note: im taking the sats again in oct and im hoping to up the writing (a lot) and get math into the 700s</p>

<p>ACT: 30</p>

<p>AP Bio: 5
AP Lang: 4
AP US: 4
APs this year: calc, gov, spanish, lit</p>


<p>NHS (don't be too impressed)
DECA (business club) 9/10/11
Science Olympiad 11
Camp Counselor at a sleep-away camp 9/10/11
Interhigh Council (kind of a school board/student open forum club thing) 9/10
6 years ski club 6-11
black belt in tae kwon do (but i got it when i was 11 and stopped soon after)
Work for a jewish catering company during the year (im not jewish but i can make a mean potato latka!) 9/10/11</p>

<p>Leadership positions:
captain jv lax and soccer both 10th
completed leader in training ymca program 9th
i feel like being a camp counselor is pretty much the most leadership anyone could ever need so ill probably find a way to throw that in there somehow
i also feel really lame for not being president/secretary/treasurer of anything... maybe ill start a club about it.</p>

<p>Athletic Status
jv soccer 9th and 10th
club soccer 8 years
jv lax 9th and 10th
varsity lax 11th
winter lax league 10/11
-won most improved freshman year
-won mvp defense sophomore year
indoor track 9/10
xc 11/12
club softball 9/10
note: its funny because this makes it look like im pro at lax and lame at soccer but really im awful at lax like really awful and decent at and in love with soccer. but that doesnt really matter to you haha just felt the need to put it out there.</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work: Amherst YES probably 30+ hours doing things like... 9-11
-habitat for humanity
-food bank
-library programs
-face painting
-favor making for meals on wheels</p>

<p>Honors and Awards:
writing and publishing award 11th grade
ap scholar - haha wooooh! suchhhhh a big deal its crazy... i know
9th place DECA state competition 11th grade
science olympiad state competitor at west point 11th grade
ymca silver ragger</p>

<p>heres my list so far of where I'm applying...
Colorado College
Boston College
University of Vermont
Suny Geneseo

<p>-I'm also kinda nervous about financial aid do you think that my stats will get me any? In the end i feel like my decission will come down to what school will help me out with merit aid so any suggestions for schools that my stats might qualify me in that
area would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>thanks so much!</p>

<p>Merit aid seems somewhat limited at Colorado College. I found that with your stats your best bet would be to go with a college that is easier to get into and you will be at the top of the applicant pool…have you looked at Hobart William Smith or maybe a Wittenberg in Ohio - both great locations and have merit money for students with your creditials!</p>

<p>^ Colorado College is not bad for merit aid compared to some of the other schools on the OP’s list. Many selective LACs give no merit aid at all.</p>

<p>School … Average Merit Grant… Recipients/Non-Need Students … Pct … Source
Colorado College … $10,276 … 55/343 …16% … 2009-2010 Common Data Set
Kenyon College … $10,403 … 45/258 …17% … 2009-2010 CDS
Whitman College … $9,775 … 122/202 … 60% … 2009-2010 CDS
Georgetown (no merit scholarships according to Kiplinger site)
Boston College (15 full tuition merit scholarships per year; no other merit aid acc. to BC site)</p>

<p>Other schools that are relatively generous with merit aid include:
Centre College
St. Olaf

<p>thanks for those stats that helps a lot. I’ll definitely look into those other schools you’ve suggested. I’ve come across all of them in my search but never really looked at any closely.</p>