
<p>Hi, I am from Vietnam and really interested in Northeastern University . Here are my stats:</p>

<li>Top 10% of class<a really="" competitive="" high="" school="" in="" my="" country=""></a></li><a really="" competitive="" high="" school="" in="" my="" country="">
<li>3.5 GPA</li>
<li>1960 SAT<cr:540, m:="" 710,="" w:="" 710=""></cr:540,></li>
<li>100 TOEFL</li>
<li>1st prize in national contest< which include Math, Literature, Science, English></li>
<li><p>CTY member of Johns Hopkins University</p></li>
<li><p>Member of Red Cross</p></li>
<li><p>Volunteer at the local deaf mute school</p></li>
<li><p>Volunteer at Vietnam Museum of Ethnology</p></li>
<li><p>2nd prize in local badminton competition</p></li>
<li><p>Active member of the school volunteering organization</p></li>
<li><p>Member of the school english club</p></li>
</a></ul><a really="" competitive="" high="" school="" in="" my="" country="">

<p>How is my chance of being accepted to this university? And do I stand a chance of getting financial aid? My parents can afford only $25000 per year</p>

<p>Match for sure.
As an international- I don’t think you qualify for fin aid.
Someone correct me if i’m wrong, but my roommate is international, and she said they dont give out fin aid to international students, nor scholarships.</p>

<p>Northeastern LOVES international students, and you seem to be a really strong candidate.
Regarding financial aid though, like lauren said, you might not get it. But please apply anyways.</p>