Chancesfor Princeton?

Class Rank: 1/120 (Valdedictorian)
SAT II: 800 790 800
SAT: 2400
Weighted GPA (percent): 96.2% (out of 100)
Unweighted GPA (percent): 96.8% (out of 100)
^^thats what makes me confused.. is my % average good ??</p>

<p>Specs per Grade
10- 96.6%
11- 96.6
12- 98</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars
- Canadian Cancer Society Youth Representative
- Published Author on experiences with Cancer in the family (profits donated to C.C.S)
I did like rallies and motivational speaking to crowds across the country and the united States to raise money. Not saying how much i raised but it was above 6 ifugres.</p>

<li>President of Community Outreach Committee, Multicultural Society, Multi Faith Club, DECA Business Club, and Senior Debating, and school newspaper</li>
<li>Head of Student Government</li>
<li>Youth Philanthropy Initiative winner (donated 5000$ to local grassroots charity)</li>
<li>1st place winner in National DECA business competition</li>
<li>Open Heart Poetry Competition 1st place winner, winnings donated to C.C.S</li>
<li>National Debate Competition 1st place medalist</li>
<li>Royal Canadian Army Cadets Lt. Col.</li>
<li>International Debate Competition 5th of 130 international debaters. (done for 3 years).</li>

- Canadian
- Graduating early</p>

<p>Most impressive profile I've ever seen.</p>

<p>wow, if you don't get in, then i'm hosed</p>

<p>i think you're going to be in</p>

<p>Um, very funny?</p>

<p>Or absolutely.</p>

<p>Two possible responses.</p>

<p>All I can hope is that there are no more applicants like you to lower my chances.</p>

<p>haha just kidding. Seriously, you deserve to go to any school you want. Good luck!</p>

<p>This has got to be a troll. I mean, come on...seriously.</p>

<p>Weighted GPA is lower than unweighted GPA?</p>

<p>its canadian system my other courses are actually pretty easy in comparison to the 5 core ones</p>

<p>Well, if you're legit I commend you on having such an unbelievably good profile. You're probably in.</p>

<p>In for sure.</p>

<p>how is your unweighted higher? shouldn't the more weighted class help you not hurt you?</p>

<p>Simmer down guys. This guy's already posted in the Harvard section, and it's been confirmed that he's lying.
From a previous thread:</p>

<p>Class Rank: 1/115
SAT II: 800 790 800
AP: 12 taken all 5s
SAT: 2400
Weighted GPA (percent): 96%
Unweighted GPA (percent): 96.5%</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars
-Unicef Youth Rep.
- Published book on fundraising
(profits donated to UNICEF and fund raisers/book parties held across the country)
*thats all your getting because i dont want stalkers. sry</p>

<p>Your class size changed, you suddenly became a cancer society rep instead of a UNICEF rep, and you changed from writing about fund raising to cancer in your family.
I didn't dig this up... some keen observer from another thread pointed this out.</p>

<p>I wonder if this guy is a CC regular who made a new account to post troll threads? Seems most likely.
To tonga_king... stop posting trolls, and if you do, make them a lil more discreet. Hope you're not actually applying to Princeton, bc you seem about as dumb as a rock.</p>