<p>Sure, I'd be happy to. But while you're here, leave your thoughts about my resume and chances. Mind you, it might be a bit of a read. XD</p>
<p>Schools: (in some crazy intuitive order)
Stanford <- not gonna lie, I want to go here.
<p>UC Berkeley
UC San Diego</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Chinese (but Taiwanese, and my supplementary essay is about that)</p>
<p>Plans: So, I want to dual degree pre-med and journalism. Probably end up doing medical research somewhere.</p>
<p>Education: Class of 2011
School: Top public school in state; top ~30 in nation
GPA: 4.27 W, I don't know what it is unweighted, but probably 3.8 something, or low 3.9. My bad grades are all concentrated in the first semester of Junior year.
Rank: School does not rank; if it did, somewhere in top 10.</p>
Taken: All honors and AP, except PE; will have completed all science and math classes offered by graduation, with 3 years of a foreign language and 4 of English/Social Studies. Total of 24 academic credits, 26 if you count the Chem/Bio periods as double. 13 AP courses total.</p>
<p>Senior year Schedule: AP Environmental Science, AP Physics C Mechanics, Orchestra, AP World History, AP Chemistry, AP Psychology, AP English Literature</p>
<p>Scores n' Stuff:
ACT: 35
SATI: 2350 (800 CR, 750 Math, 800/12 Writing)
SATII: Math II: 770 and Bio M: 800
AP: Human Geography (5), Government (5), US History (4), AP Calc BC(4, sub 5), AP English Lang & Comp (4), AP Biology (5)</p>
<p>Awards n' Stuff:
AP Scholar with Distinction
National Merit Semi-Finalist
Kenyon College Presidential Book Award
A bunch of literary rally stuff: 1st place district Chem, 1st place district English I/4th place state English I, 1st place district World Geography/ 4th place state World Geography, 3rd Place English III</p>
<p>Extra Curricula:
Mu Alpha Theta (4 years): Vice President.<br>
Since sophomore year, we've been hosting tournaments at our schools-- have basically coordinated the last two, which both brought in around 4K. We're a pretty good team-- always in the top 3 for sweepstakes at state convention. Too poor to afford nationals.</p>
<p>Orchestra (4 years) Librarian, Treasurer, Vice President.
I've played the violin for a lot more. I'm a decent violinist, used to be a pretty good one, but have slipped pretty badly since ~7th grade. Still, I'm co-concertmaster, and made Allstate Orchestra as a second violin my first year, and first violin my second. </p>
<p>Our orchestra goes to Orlando for a music competition over Spring Break each year-- I've been in charge of fundraising and coordinating for this the last two years. Its a pretty big dea-- have to raise ~5K for a bus, and handle 20K+ of payments.</p>
<p>Science Olympiad: (4 years) President.
Last year, I placed 1st in 2 events and 2nd in 3 events at State. Never went to Nationals; state competition always conflicts with some event for some people (literary rally), so we lose a couple important members which costs us.</p>
<p>Lab Technician at USDA's Research Center
Worked one summer as a volunteer (200+ hours), then got a paid job (400+) hours. </p>
<p>National Honor Society (through this and the next two, I have a ton of service hours)
Peer Assistance Team
Key Club
Film Club
Asian Pacific Club</p>
<p>Random stuff:
Went to Austria, met the US Ambassador there.
Tulane Science Scholars Program: two sessions
ATDP at Berkeley: 2600.6 The Writing Process</p>
Counselor: probably pretty good, if not excellent; she knows I'm a good kid and likes me, but I don't know how well she knows me-- e.g. how much detail she can put in.
Teacher: My AP Bio and English III teachers-- both are phd's, I got A's in both classes, and spent a lot of time outside of class with them. I expect them to write very nice, if not excellent recommendations. Just going to be a bit conservative in my hopes.
Essays: I really don't know. I'm a decent writer, and wrote a pretty relaxed essay about who I am. I just want the reader to like me, and maybe showcase a bit of my writing ability.</p>
<p>That's about it. I'm actually quite surprised I managed to sum up my high school career in this alone.</p>