Chancing people who post here? :D

<p>Sure, I'd be happy to. But while you're here, leave your thoughts about my resume and chances. Mind you, it might be a bit of a read. XD</p>

<p>Schools: (in some crazy intuitive order)
Stanford <- not gonna lie, I want to go here.



<p>UC Berkeley
UC San Diego</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Chinese (but Taiwanese, and my supplementary essay is about that)</p>

<p>Plans: So, I want to dual degree pre-med and journalism. Probably end up doing medical research somewhere.</p>

<p>Education: Class of 2011
School: Top public school in state; top ~30 in nation
GPA: 4.27 W, I don't know what it is unweighted, but probably 3.8 something, or low 3.9. My bad grades are all concentrated in the first semester of Junior year.
Rank: School does not rank; if it did, somewhere in top 10.</p>

Taken: All honors and AP, except PE; will have completed all science and math classes offered by graduation, with 3 years of a foreign language and 4 of English/Social Studies. Total of 24 academic credits, 26 if you count the Chem/Bio periods as double. 13 AP courses total.</p>

<p>Senior year Schedule: AP Environmental Science, AP Physics C Mechanics, Orchestra, AP World History, AP Chemistry, AP Psychology, AP English Literature</p>

<p>Scores n' Stuff:
ACT: 35
SATI: 2350 (800 CR, 750 Math, 800/12 Writing)
SATII: Math II: 770 and Bio M: 800
AP: Human Geography (5), Government (5), US History (4), AP Calc BC(4, sub 5), AP English Lang & Comp (4), AP Biology (5)</p>

<p>Awards n' Stuff:
AP Scholar with Distinction
National Merit Semi-Finalist
Kenyon College Presidential Book Award
A bunch of literary rally stuff: 1st place district Chem, 1st place district English I/4th place state English I, 1st place district World Geography/ 4th place state World Geography, 3rd Place English III</p>

<p>Extra Curricula:
Mu Alpha Theta (4 years): Vice President.<br>
Since sophomore year, we've been hosting tournaments at our schools-- have basically coordinated the last two, which both brought in around 4K. We're a pretty good team-- always in the top 3 for sweepstakes at state convention. Too poor to afford nationals.</p>

<p>Orchestra (4 years) Librarian, Treasurer, Vice President.
I've played the violin for a lot more. I'm a decent violinist, used to be a pretty good one, but have slipped pretty badly since ~7th grade. Still, I'm co-concertmaster, and made Allstate Orchestra as a second violin my first year, and first violin my second. </p>

<p>Our orchestra goes to Orlando for a music competition over Spring Break each year-- I've been in charge of fundraising and coordinating for this the last two years. Its a pretty big dea-- have to raise ~5K for a bus, and handle 20K+ of payments.</p>

<p>Science Olympiad: (4 years) President.
Last year, I placed 1st in 2 events and 2nd in 3 events at State. Never went to Nationals; state competition always conflicts with some event for some people (literary rally), so we lose a couple important members which costs us.</p>

<p>Lab Technician at USDA's Research Center
Worked one summer as a volunteer (200+ hours), then got a paid job (400+) hours. </p>

<p>National Honor Society (through this and the next two, I have a ton of service hours)
Peer Assistance Team
Key Club
Film Club
Asian Pacific Club</p>

<p>Random stuff:
Went to Austria, met the US Ambassador there.
Tulane Science Scholars Program: two sessions
ATDP at Berkeley: 2600.6 The Writing Process</p>

Counselor: probably pretty good, if not excellent; she knows I'm a good kid and likes me, but I don't know how well she knows me-- e.g. how much detail she can put in.
Teacher: My AP Bio and English III teachers-- both are phd's, I got A's in both classes, and spent a lot of time outside of class with them. I expect them to write very nice, if not excellent recommendations. Just going to be a bit conservative in my hopes.
Essays: I really don't know. I'm a decent writer, and wrote a pretty relaxed essay about who I am. I just want the reader to like me, and maybe showcase a bit of my writing ability.</p>

<p>That's about it. I'm actually quite surprised I managed to sum up my high school career in this alone.</p>


<p>I think you have a really good chance at Stanford</p>

<p>You are perfect except that you havent done 4 years of foreign language.</p>

<p>you have a really good chance at any of those schools have a safety chance me back <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You have great stats and resume, a good list of schools, and a realistic shot at all of them. Good luck.</p>

<p>Stanford-low reach/high match (if SCEA)
Harvard-low reach
Brown-high match/low reach
Yale-low reach
Emory-high match
UChicago-high match
Tulane-low match
Rice-high match
UC Berkeley-high match</p>

<p>You’re in awesome shape for all of your schools! Good luck :)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
UC San Diego-match</p>

<p>@Jenga: I wasn’t able to do 4 years of foreign language due to scheduling conflicts; I chose to take orchestra over it. I felt that four years of doing something I love was worth it. </p>

<p>Thanks to all who have posted. Please include a link to w/e you want me to chance!</p>

<p>Stanford - Low Reach (High Match if you applied early)
Harvard - Low Reach (for everyone; so damn unpredictable)
Brown - High Match
Yale - Low Reach
Emory - Match
UChicago - Match (although this mainly depends on your supplement essay…)
Tulane - Ultra Safety (you’ll probably get a full ride)
Rice - Low/Mid Match
UC Berkeley - In
UC San Diego - In</p>

<p>Very impressive accomplishments! I am sure you will get into AT LEAST two of the first four universities you mentioned! Good luck! :D</p>

<p>Stanford low reach
Harvard-low reach
Brown-high match
Yale-low reach
Emory-low match
Rice-low match
UC Berkeley-match(OOS)
UC San Diego-safety</p>

<p>you have an awesome shot at all of these :smiley:
gd luck :)</p>

<p>I don’t really know why your asking :P</p>

<p>You’re pretty much perfect. Why do you need us to tell you this? I wouldn’t be surprised if you got into every one.</p>

<p>i think you have a pretty good chance at all these schools. The only worrying that for Stanford and Yale is that admissions is somewhat random sometimes just cause their are so many top applicants applying. All we could know is that they flip a coin to choose between two equal applicants.</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance… Chance back?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;