Changing majors within a college?

<p>Hi, I was accepted as a junior transfer into Purdue in the ABE agricultural engineering department. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about switching to bioengineering (still in ABE as far as I can tell). My main concerns are how hard it would be to do so, such as how long it would take for that process, since a junior-standing student is involved in more upper-division coursework.</p>

<p>Thanks for any info!</p>

<p>Email the ABE department/ your advisor, they’d know all.</p>

<p>It’ll be really easy. I CODOed from cheme to ag engineering last year, which was easy. I reccomend you email Yvonne so you can set up an appointment with your new advisor for the new major and your current advisor. Since it’s the same school, you’ll be signed in and out by the sane person. </p>