<p>I have nearly perfect secondary school GPA, good letters of recommendation, good IELTS score and a good essay but not that good SAT scores.</p>
<p>Does SATs mean nearly everything at most top tier schools and are there schools that might care a bit less of the SAT results?</p>
<p>How poor SAT scores are acceptable if you are applying to better schools (but not ivy perhaps)?</p>
<p>I haven't done the tests yet but I am a bit worried about the english part since my native language is not english and I'm worried about the maths part since I've done similar tests before and I don't usually perform that well under time pressure. Even if I consider the level of maths in the test to be quite low.</p>
<p>Anyone know anything about the GRE and GMAT? How are they compared to SAT, more difficult?</p>
<p>Finally, any truth to the rumous of quotas for applicants of certain countries, in that case, any special schools?</p>
<p>well you will need to provide us the exact information like all your sat scores and GPA and EC's....scores are relative in most cases....for eg a score of 2000/2400 is considered bad by some people but i think this score rocks!! ;) ....anyways SAT is definetly not the only criteria and far from being the most important one....so u post your record and the colleges u want to apply to so that we can help you furthur....</p>
<p>Some schools (e.g. Bates College in Maine, but there are more) don't even require the SAT or any standardized test anymore. Other schools care a lot more about SATs so it works on a case-by-case basis. The GPA is a great thing, but I think extra-curriculars, essays and recommendations will make the difference for you.
One thing I would suggest doing is proofread your essays, to avoid making mistakes like the one in the first line of your post.</p>