Chapman second choice majors

D24 is applying for film/television knowing that the acceptance rate is extremely low. She fell in love with Chapman and Dodge. Her second choice would likely be Documentary/broadcasting— a logical choice as her number one interest is post-production/editing— but is nervous about putting Dodge as a second choice given the tougher admit rate. Debating whether it is better to put a non-Dodge major as number 2 to secure admission. (E.g. business/communications). We wish she could reapply to Chapman non-Dodge majors if rejected, but so it goes.

Wondering if anyone applied to 2 Dodge majors and was rejected from both or chose a non-Dodge major related to the field and loves it? We feel like her academic stats are strong— 4.5 gpa and 1400 SAT. Plenty of service and ECs, strong writer.

Thank you!