Characters in books from English that you absolutely loved?

<p>I figured this thread needed to exist, if it doesn't exist already.</p>

<p>Basil from The Picture of Dorian Gray
Simon from Lord of the Flies
Ophelia from Hamlet</p>

<p>I seem to like innocent, tragic characters who are unjustifyably killed.</p>

<p>Algernon from “The Importance of Being Earnest”
Holden Caulfield from “Catcher in the Rye”
Hamlet from, well yeah
Valentine Michael Smith from “Stranger in a Strange Land”</p>

<p>Iago from Othello.</p>

<p>^he is such a dick, pretty interesting character though</p>

<p>Yeah he is but a very likable one nonetheless :P</p>

<p>Hamlet is another great character. </p>

<p>The movie staring Kenneth Branagh was pretty amazing as well. Sooo much better than the Mel Gibson version.</p>

<p>I liked a few characters from A Tale of Two Cities, but I can’t remember which ones anymore. I read it in middle school. Edit: Sydney Carton! And the Madame. </p>

<p>I’ve liked some assigned <em>books</em> very much, but very few characters. And that makes sense, because assigned reading = “high literature” = theme based, not character driven.</p>

<p>Sammy from A&P (short story, but oh well).</p>

<p>Ooh, and Ender from Ender’s Game. How could I forget. </p>

<p>We get all the fun ones in middle school.</p>

<p>Atticus from “To Kill A Mockingbird”</p>

<p>Oh I forgot about the guy who hangs himself in Brave New World, can’t think of his name atm and I am too lazy to google, but that was an awesome ending</p>

<p>Atlas: His name was John.</p>

<p>A&P was an amazing short story. I’m glad you brought it up, 1984. I had almost forgotten about it.</p>

<p>Mark Antony from Julius Caesar.</p>

<p>That guy is truly ******* baller.</p>



<p>Yes! How could I have forgotten too?</p>

<p>Aeneas, from the Aeneid! represent AP Latin 5</p>

<p>Mr. Knightley from Emma… AHHH! Perfection. Knightley > Darcy any day</p>

<p>also, narrator from Fight Club hah</p>

<p>Miss Havisham from Great Expectations. She was soo…interesting. And weird.</p>

<p>I liked Ms Havisham too! </p>

<p>I can’t list any of those books you guys are listing though, because I read them for fun, not for English. Which is probably a good thing. Reading books for classes ruinnns themmm.</p>

<p>afitscher: in AP Latin last year, my whole class argued that Aeneas was a pansy. He always cried and would get upset so much over the smallest things. (Of course, there was the counter argument that this was a Latin book where heroes are more humanized than the perfect Greek heroes… but still!)</p>

<p>oh shut up lol, either way hes a bamf, yes ill be the first to call him a BAMF, lol or idk i’d say haulden caufield or w/e from catcher in the rye</p>