<p>So last year there were 104 freshmen accepted.</p>
<p>So would it be safe to assume that about 30 students would be accepted for ED?</p>
<p>In that case, I would assume that there will be at least 3 athletes going to AEM and about 3 in-states (contract college). If you take into consideration perhaps like 4 students from international, it leaves only about 20 slots for domestic non New York state residents.</p>
<p>Is this a reasonable assumption? If so, for big states like California or Texas, and academic states like MA or CT, there will be only about 2 students accepted (and others just one or even none..). </p>
<p>Does this make any sense? If so it would make AEM one of the most competitive programs in the Ivies for ED...</p>
<p>I mean the school will technically over admit for a bit to take into consideration kids who will not attend in RD.. But for ED, it looks like 30-35 sounds about right..</p>